

대효0617 2010. 3. 21. 22:05


학명: Humulus japonicus Sieboid & Zucc.

* 아래와 같이 정명, 이명처리에 있어 의견이 합치되지 않고 있다. 본 블로거는 FOC의 학명 기재가 타당성이 있다고 본다 


Humulus japonicus Sieboid & Zucc. (국생지, 일본 , FNA)

Humulus scandens (Loureiro) Merrill (한국의 들꽃, FOC)

분류: 삼과(Cannabaceae)


Humulus: humus (ground) 지면을 기어가는 성질을 가리킴


일어명 :カナムグラ(鉄葎)

중국어명 : 葎草


참조 사이트




















아래 사진: 2012.08.16  ***













아래 : 2019.10.15 파주






수그루의 수꽃





5개의 커다란 꽃밥이  짧은 수술대에 매달려 늘아진다






아래부터는 암그루











열매는 포에 싸여 있다




열매는 직경 4mm라 한다



아래: 2019.10.09 중랑천




















<국생정> 설명: 



  잎은 대생하며 긴 엽병 끝에서 장상으로 5-7개로 갈라지고 길이와 폭이 각각 5-12cm로서 밑부분이 심장저이다. 열편은 난형 또는 피침형이며 밑부분이 좁고 끝이 뾰족하며 가장자리에 규칙적인 톱니가 있고 양면에 거친 털이 있으며 뒷면에 대가 없는 황색 선점이 있다.



  수과는 난상 원형이고 중앙부가 부풀어 렌즈처럼 되며 길이와 폭이 각각 4-5mm로서 황갈색이 돌고 윗부분에 잔털이 있다.



  꽃은 엷은 황록색이며 7-8월에 피고 자웅이주로서 수꽃은 5개씩의 꽃받침잎과 수술이 있으며 길이 15-25cm의 원추화서에 달린다. 암꽃은 짧은 수상화서에 달리고 포는 꽃이 핀 다음 커지며 뒷면과 가장자리에 털이 있고 난상 원형이며 길이 7-10mm로서 몇 개의 장상 맥이 있다.



  원줄기와 엽병에 밑을 향한 거센 갈고리가시가 있어 거칠며, 다른 물체에 걸고서 자라 오른다.






 ▶일본, 오키나와, 대만, 중국에 분포한다.

 ▶전국 각처에 분포한다.



  덩굴성 1년초






Humulus japonicus Siebold & Zuccarini, Abh. Math.-Phys. Cl. Konigl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. 4(3): 213. 1846.

Japanese hop(s), houblon japonais



Herbs , annual, vining, 0.5-2.5 m. Stems usually branched. Leaves: petioles usually longer than blades. Leaf blade cordate, palmately 5-9-lobed, 5-12 cm, margins of lobes serrulate, apex acuminate; surfaces abaxially with veins pubescent, with stiff hairs, glands yellow, sessile, discoid, adaxially margins of younger leaf blades with stiff cystolithic hairs. Inflorescences: staminate inflorescences erect, 15-25 cm, flower anthers without glands; pistillate inflorescences spikes, conelike, ovoid; bracteole ovate-orbiculate, 7-10 mm, pilose, margins densely ciliate-hairy. Infructescences pendulous, green, conelike, ovoid to oblong, (1-)1.5-3(-4) cm; bracteoles without yellow glands. Achenes yellow-brown, ovoid-orbicular, inflated to lenticular, 4-5 mm, glandless. 2 n = 20, including 6 chromosomes concerned with sex determination.

Flowering early-mid summer. Roadsides, fencerows, waste places, riverbanks; 0-1000 m; introduced; ont., Que.; Ala., Ark., Conn., Del., Ga., Ill., Ind., Iowa, Kans., Ky., Maine, Md., Mass., Mich., Minn., Mo., Nebr., N.J., N.Y., N.C., N.Dak., Ohio, Pa., R.I., S.C., S.Dak., Tenn., Vt., Va., W.Va., Wis.; Asia.

Although I have no records from New Hampshire, the state is within the geographic range of Humulus japonicus .

Variegated forms of Humulus japonicus , cultivated as ornamentals, are sometimes spontaneous. The vernacular name Japanese hop(s) is occasionally misapplied to H . lupulus var. cordifolius (Miquel) Maximowicz, a variety not found in North America.

The disposition of the name Humulus scandens (Loureiro) Merrill, based on Antidesma scandens Loureiro, is problematic. E. D. Merrill (1935) was convinced that the name A . scandens applied to the species Humulus japonicus . If Merrill was correct, then the combination Humulus scandens would have priority. The material described by Loureiro, however, was not preserved, and his description does not coincide with that of H . japonicus . Humulus scandens is not included in synonymy in this treatment.


I. A. Grudzinskaya (1988) segregated Humulus japonicus as a new monotypic genus, Humulopsis , with the single species Humulopsis scandens (Loureiro) Grudzinskaya.







Humulus scandens (Loureiro) Merrill, Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., n.s. 24(2): 138. 1935.

葎草 lü cao

(학명 이명)

Antidesma scandens Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. 1: 157. 1790; Humulopsis scandens (Loureiro) Grudzinskaja; Humulus japonicus Siebold & Zuccarini.


Plants annual. Petiole 5-10 cm; leaf blade palmately (3 or)5-9-lobed, sometimes simple, 7-10 × 7-10 cm, papery, abaxially with rigid spinulose hairs on veins, adaxially pubescent but not densely so, base cordate; lobes ovate-triangular, margin serrate. Male inflorescences 15-25 cm. Male flowers: yellowish green. Female inflorescences ca. 0.5 in diam.; bracts ovoid, 7-10 mm, papery, spinulose, apex acuminate. Female flowers: 1 per bract inflorescence; ovary included by bracts; styles exerted from bracts. Infructescences 0.5-1.5(-2) cm. Achenes exerted from bracts when mature. Fl. spring to summer, fr. autumn.

(생육지와 분포)

Forest margins, wastelands, along streams. Anhui, Chongqing, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jilin, Liaoning, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Japan, Korea, Vietnam; naturalized in Europe and E North America].

(보충 기재)

No type specimen could be found of Antidesma scandens. Merrill’s transfer of this species to Humulus is based on Loureiro’s cryptic description, and this synonymy has not been universally accepted. For this reason the species has been variously recognized as H. scandens or H. japonicus in recent treatments.


The whole plant is used medicinally and the seed oil is used to make soap.






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