

대효0617 2011. 11. 14. 11:10


미국풍나무 겨울눈(1)




대만풍나무(1) (대만풍나무/중국단풍, 미국풍나무/고로쇠나무 비교)



미국풍나무학명: Liquidambar styraciflua L.

분류: (구) 조록나무과(Hamamelidaceae) / (tls) Altingiaceae


* Liquidambar 속은 전에는 조록나무과(Hamamelidaceae)로 분류되었으나 현재는 Altingiaceae과로 분류되고 있다.

(위키페디아 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquidambar_styraciflua 참조)


학명 풀이:

Liquidambar: Liquid amber; referring to the resin exuding from this plant styraciflua: Flowing with gum


사진: 광릉수목원 














아래 사진: 전주수목원












아래: 2017.09.14  제주도 한림수목원










아래 : 2022.07.29 세종수목원





설명(위키페디아 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquidambar_styraciflua )


Liquidambar styraciflua is a medium-sized to large tree, growing to 20–35 m

(65-115 ft), rarely to 41 m (135 ft) tall, with a trunk up to 2 m (6 ft) in diameter. Trees may live to 400 years.[2]


The leaves usually have five (but sometimes three or seven) sharply pointed palmate lobes. They are 7–19 cm (rarely to 25 cm) long and broad, with a 6–10 cm petiole. The rich dark green, glossy leaves generally turn brilliant orange, red, and purple colors in the autumn.

......중략 ......


The male and female inflorescences are separate on the same tree.


The distinctive compound fruit is hard, dry, and globose, 2.5–4 cm in diameter, composed of numerous (40-60) capsules. Each capsule, containing one to two small seeds, has a pair of terminal spikes (for a total of 80-120 spikes). When the fruit opens and the seeds are released, each capsule is associated with a small hole (40-60 of these) in the compound fruit.


.....중략 ....

Another distinctive feature of the tree is the peculiar appearance of its small branches and twigs. The bark attaches itself to these in plates edgewise instead of laterally, and a piece of the leafless branch with the aid of a little imagination readily takes on a reptilian form; indeed, the tree is sometimes called Alligator-wood.


The roots are fibrous; juices are balsamic.


The tree secretes an aromatic fluid, which when processed is called styrax.

Additional characteristics of Liquidambar styraciflua include:


Leaves: Alternate, three to five inches long, three to seven inches broad, lobed, so as to make a star-shaped leaf of five to seven divisions, these divisions acutely pointed, with glandular serrate teeth. The base is truncate or slightly heart-shaped. They come out of the bud plicate, downy, pale green, when full grown are bright green, smooth, shining above, paler beneath. In autumn they vary in color from yellow through crimson to purple. They contain tannin and when bruised give a resinous fragrance. Petioles long, slender, terete. Stipules lanceolate, acute, caducous

Flowers: March to May, when leaves are half grown; monoecious, greenish. Staminate flowers in terminal racemes two to three inches long, covered with rusty hairs; the pistillate in a solitary head on a slender peduncle borne in the axil of an upper leaf. Staminate flowers destitute of calyx and corolla, but surrounded by hairy bracts. Stamens indefinite; filaments short; anthers introrse. Pistillate flowers with a two-celled, two-beaked ovary, the carpels produced into a long, recurved, persistent style. The ovaries all more or less cohere and harden in fruit. Ovules many but few mature

Fruit: Multicapsular spherical head, an inch to an inch and a half in diameter, hangs on the branches during the winter. The woody capsules are mostly filled with abortive seeds resembling sawdust.

Bark: Light brown tinged with red, deeply fissured, ridges scaly. Branchlets pithy, many-angled, winged, at first covered with rusty hairs, finally becoming red brown, gray or dark brown.

Winter buds: Yellow brown, one-fourth of an inch long, acute. The inner scales enlarge with the growing shoot, becoming half an inch long, green tipped with red.



While the starry five-pointed leaves of Liquidambar resemble those of some maples (Acer), such as the Japanese maple (Acer palmatum), the sugar maple (Acer saccharum), and the Norway maple (Acer platanoides), Liquidambar is easily distinguished from Acer by its glossy, leathery leaves that are positioned singly (alternate), not in pairs (opposite) on the stems. The long-stemmed fruit balls of Liquidambar resemble those of the American sycamore or buttonwood (Platanus occidentalis), but are spiny and remain intact after their seeds are dispersed; the softer fruits of Platanus disintegrate upon seed dispersal.









*** 미국풍나무와 유사종으로는 대만풍나무(Liquidambar formosana Hance)가 있다.

대만풍나무는 잎이 3갈래로 갈라진다.


참고 사이트:






대만풍나무 미국풍나무 비교 http://blog.naver.com/prothneyi/130098059380


이상에 나오는 내용을 대강 요약하면  아래와 같다;


* 풍나무 종류와 단풍나무 종류와의 차이점




풍나무 종류:  잎이 아긋난다, 열매는 취과이다


단풍나무 종류: 잎이 마주난다. 열매는 시과이다




* 풍나무 종류와 (양)버즘나무의 차이점




풍나무 종류: 열매에 가시가 있다


(양)버즘나무: 열매에 가시가 없다




* 미국풍나무와 대만풍나무 차이점




미국풍나무: 잎이 5(3-7) 갈래로 갈라진다.


대만풍나무: 잎이 3갈래로 갈라진다.


 * 수피의 갈라짐도 좀 차이가 있다.


미국풍나무 수피: 골이 깊고 길게갈라진다


대만풍나무: 소나무 수피 같은 느낌이 든다.


1) 마국풍나무 



사진 출처:



2. 대만풍나무





사진 출처:


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