까마귀쪽나무 (1) http://blog.daum.net/daehyo/7808481
까마귀쪽나무(2) http://blog.daum.net/daehyo/7809926
긴잎까마귀쪽나무 http://blog.daum.net/daehyo/7808871
학명: Litsea elongata (Nees) J. D. Hooker
분류: 녹나무과(Lauraceae)
* 우리나라에는 분포하지 않고 중국에 분포한다
사진: 천리포수목원
참고: 까마귀쪽나무 Litsea japonica (Thunb.) Juss.
Evergreen small or medium-sized trees, up to 12 m tall, ca. 40 cm d.b.h(흉고직경). Branchlets densely brown tomentose(綿毛). Leaves alternate or subverticillate(윤생에 가깝다); petiole 2-25 mm, densely brown tomentose; leaf blade oblong(장타원형), oblong-lanceolate, narrowly lanceolate(피침형), or oblanceolate(도피침형), 5-22 × 1.2-6 cm, pubescent(연모) abaxially(뒷면) and villous(융모) along midrib(중륵) and lateral veins, glabrous adaxially(잎 표면), lateral veins 10-20 pairs, transverse veinlets conspicously prominent abaxially, base cuneate(쐐기 모양 , 楔底) or rounded, apex obtuse(둔두), shortly acuminate(점첨두), caudate-acute(꼬리모양-예두), or long caudate-acute. Umbels (산형화서) solitary, rarely clustered, 4- or 5-flowered per umbel(산형화서); peduncle(꽃대) absent or to 10 mm. Male flowers: pedicel (꽃자루) sericeous-villous(견사-융모); perianth(회피) segments 6, ovate(난형); fertile stamens(수술) 9-12; filaments(화사) villous, of 3rd or 4th whorls each with 2 sessile rounded glands at base; rudimentary pistil (퇴화된 암술) glabrous. Fruit oblong, 11-13 × 7-8 mm, seated on cup-shaped perianth tube, black-purple at maturity; fruiting pedicel 2-3 mm. Fl. May-Nov, fr. Feb-Jun.
Roadsides, streamsides, weed-tree forests on mountain slopes, shady moist places, sparse forests, thickets; 500-2300 m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [India, Nepal].
This species is variable in the size and shape of its leaves, especially in repeatedly disturbed secondary forests or dense thickets.
아종 검색
1 Leaves subverticillate; petiole(잎자루) less than 5 mm; peduncle absent or nearly absent. 73c var. subverticillata
+ Leaves alternate; petiole more than 10 mm; peduncle 2-10 mm (2)
2 (1) Leaf blade obtuse or shortly acuminate at apex; peduncle less than 5 mm. 73a var. elongata
+ Leaf blade caudate or long caudate-acute at apex; peduncle more than 5 mm. 73b var. faberi
설명 출처: http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=200008835