학명: Lantana sp.
분류: 마편초과(Verbenaceae)
학명 풀이:
Lantana: Ancient Latin name for a Viburnum species
보통 많이 보이는 종은 Lantana camara L. ( Common Lantan)이다. 국표식에는 Lantana montevidensis (Spreng.) Briq.를 더 등재하였다.
아래 : 2022.07.29 세종식물원
란타나로 추정하였다
설명 1
관상화로 많이 재배하고 있다. Greater Antilles,, 바하마제도. 콜롬비아, 베네주엘라이고 미국 텍사스주의 Rio Grande Valley에도 자생하고 있는 것으로 보고 있다. 잔 세계 열대 및 온대 지역에 귀화식물로 퍼져 자라고 있다. 식물에 독이 있어 이 식물을 먹은 가축은 병이 난다. 검게 익은 열매 사람에게는 피해를 주지 않는다.
(*** 대부분의 자료에서는 열매가 가장 독성이 강한 것으로 되어 있으나 위키페디아에서는 사람에게는 무해한 것으로 기재되어 있다. )
테이블이나 걸상 기구를 만드는 데에 쓰기도 한다.
(위키 기재문을 초역)
설명 2:
Common lantana(Lantana camara L.) is a rugged evergreen shrub from the tropics. The species will grow to 6 ft (1.8 m) high and may spread to 8 ft (2.4 m) in width with some varieties able to clamber vinelike up supports to greater heights with the help of support. The leaves are 2-5 in (5-12.7 cm) long by 1-2 in (2.5-5 cm) wide with rounded tooth edges and a textured surface. Stems and leaves are covered with rough hairs and emit an unpleasant aroma when crushed (smells like cat pee). The small flowers are held in clusters (called umbels) that are typically 1-2 in (2.5-5.1 cm) across. In the tropics lantana is a non-stop bloomer. Where it is killed to the ground by frost the lantana blooms in summer and fall. Flower color ranges from white to yellow, orange to red, pink to rose in unlimited combinations, in addition the flowers usually change in color as they age. A lantana may look orange from a distance but the flowerhead is examined at close range it consists of individual white, yellow and red flowers that blend when viewed from afar.
A rainbow of non-invasive lantana selections are available for the garden and most of these will grow just as enthusiastically in pots and other containers.
Lantana camara is a native to tropical regions and exists as dozens of strains and varieties that are highly variable in appearance. Although common lantana it is not native to Florida, it has been naturalized in the state for centuries (I wonder how many centuries it takes before a plant is considered native?)
Lantana is very easy to grow and will adapt to most soil types. Too much water and fertilizer will reduce bloom
Light: Sun, part shade.
Moisture: Well drained soil is preferred. Lantana is very drought resistant. .
Hardiness: USDA Zones 8-11. Lantana is happy in both humid and dry heat. This tropical plant is killed back to the ground at 28 ºF (-2.2 ºC) but will grow back from the roots when warm weather returns.
Propagation: By seed or cuttings taken in the summertime. Lantana hybrids and named selections are propagated by cuttings.
Several named varieties, strains and hybrids of lantana are available. This one is called Festival. These produce more colorful flowers and have less tendency to naturalize in sub-tropical areas. Download a large version
In warm winter zones use lantana and its cultivars in mixed beds and borders. Lantana will add vibrant long-lasting color to shrub groupings. This is a fast growing shrub that is quick to flower so gardeners in cold climates can enjoy this tropical plant as an annual. Lantana tolerates salt spray and can be used in beach plantings. Lantana makes an excellent container plant and several smaller sized cultivars are offered just for this use.
There are more than a 100 Lantana species and many of these are showing up in garden centers in one form or another. If you live in Zone 8-12 look for lantana varieties and hybrids at your garden center that are better behaved than the species - avoid digging naturalized lantana from the wild for your garden to avoid furthering its spread. Choose selected garden varieties instead.
Butterflies love lantana flowers and the shrub always attracts hordes of them when in bloom.
Lantana is extremely easy to grow requiring little attention and is seldom bothered by pests or disease. It has low water requirements and can be used in xeriscapes and can handle the heat growing in containers and hanging baskets under sunny conditions. Lantana is a favorite species for butterflies and non-invasive lantanas should be a part of any butterfly garden.
Another lantana species that is also a popular garden plant is the weeping or trailing lantana Lantana montevidensis which is low growing trailing species that is particularly nice for hanging containers and groundcover.
WARNING: Pets have reportedly become ill after ingesting lantana. The unripe berries are known to be very toxic and the foliage toxic to livestock. Lantana is listed as a Category I invasive exotic species by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council, which means that it is known to be "invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida." Lantana is also invading natural areas in Texas and is a huge problem in Hawaii.
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