
(가칭) 개산겨릅나무

대효0617 2012. 3. 27. 12:13


처음 보는 나무다. 산겨릅나무와 어떯게 다른지는 앞으로 지켜보아야겠다. 일본에 자생하는 나무이다. 아직 정식으로 소개되지 않아서인지 인터넷 검색에서 이 학명에 해당되는 국명을 찾을 수 없다. 홍릉수목원에서 소개한 이름을 올린다.


학명:  Acer rufinerve Siebold & Zucc.

분류:  단풍나무과(Aceraceae)  / 무환자나무과(Sapindaceae)

학명 풀이:

rufinerve: 엽맥이 붉은


참조 산겨릅나무 http://blog.daum.net/daehyo/7807440



사진: 홍릉수목원



















Acer rufinerve (Redvein Maple or Honshū Maple; Japanese: ウリハダカエデ urihadakaede, "melon-skin maple"), is a maple in the snakebark maple group, related to Acer capillipes (Kyushu Maple). It is native to mountains forests of Japan, on Honshū, Kyūshū and Shikoku.

It is a small deciduous tree growing to a height of 8–15 m, with a trunk up to 40 cm diameter. The bark on young trees is smooth, olive-green with regular narrow vertical pale green to greyish stripes and small greyish lenticels; on old trees, it becomes rough and grey. The leaves are three-lobed (occasionally five-lobed with two additional small basal lobes), double serrated, 8-16 cm long and 6-16 cm broad, matt to sub-shiny dark green above, paler below with small tufts of rusty hair on the veins when young, becoming glabrous when mature; the petiole is greenish (rarely pinkish), 3–5 cm long. The leaves turn to bright orange or red in the autumn. The flowers are produced in racemes 10 cm long, each flower 8–10 mm diameter, with five yellow to greenish-yellow sepals and petals; it is dioecious, with male and female flowers on separate trees. The fruit is a paired samara 2–3 cm long with rounded nutlets. The scientific and English names derive from the reddish down on the veins, the Japanese name from the bark pattern.[1][2][3][5]

It can be distinguished from the related Acer capillipes (Japanese, ホソエカエデ hosoekaede), with which it often occurs, by the green petioles, the rufous hairs on the underside of the leaves (contrasting with the hairless or only thinly hairy A. capillipes leaves), and in flowering earlier in spring at the same time as the leaves appear.



출처: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acer_rufinerve



 인터넷에서 퍼온 사진






어릴 때 잎 뒷면  맥액에 적갈색 털 뭉치가 있는 것이 특징이라 한다. 


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위키페디아에서 퍼온 어린  잎 사진





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