취명아주(1)(명아주속의 분류와 검색표)
학명: Chenopodium glaucum L.
분류: 명아주과(Chenopodiaceae)
학명 풀이:
Chenopodium: 그리스어 chen ‘거위’ + podion ‘작은 발’- 잎의 모양
glaucum: 청록색의, 분백으로 덮인
일어명 : ウラジロアカザ (裏白藜)
중국어명 : 灰绿藜
영명: Oak-leaved Goosefoot
참조 사이트
사진: 2012.06.07 대부도
사진: 2012.06.15 중랑천
아래는 2012.06.18 중랑천
아래: 2013.09.15 진도
아래 : 2022.06.05 하계동 중랑천
국생지 설명
우리나라 각처에 분포
1년생 초본
빈터나 바닷가에서 자란다.
잎은 어긋나기하며 두꺼운 육질이며 털이 없고, 긴 타원상 달걀모양, 피침형, 둔두 둔저, 길이 2-4cm, 폭 5-15mm, 가장자리에 깊은 물결 모양의 톱니가 있고, 표면은 녹색, 뒷면은 분백색, 엽병은 길이 5-20mm이다.
꽃은 7-8월에 잎겨드랑이나 가지 끝에 이삭꽃차례가 달려 원뿔모양을 이루고, 꽃은 황록색이다. 화피는 2-5장, 수술 5개, 씨방에 암술대 2개. 꽃받침은 자라서 열매를 둘러싼다.
열매는 3mm의 낭과이고 꽃받침에 싸이며 원형의 짙은 갈색의 종자가 1개 있다.
줄기의 높이는 15-30cm이며 전체에 털이 없고, 줄기는 비스듬히 서서 자라며 가지가 많고 약간 육질이다.
▶어린잎은 식용한다.
▶全草(전초)를 藜(여)라 하며 약용한다.
FOC 설명
Chenopodium glaucum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 220. 1753.
灰绿藜 hui lü li
(학명 이명)
Blitum glaucum (Linnaeus) W. D. J. Koch.
Herbs annual, 20-40 cm tall. Stem decumbent or diffuse, green or purple-red striate, ribbed. Petiole 5-10 mm; leaf blade oblong-ovate to lanceolate, 2-4 × 0.6-2 cm, fleshy, abaxially gray-white farinose(가루 모양의), sometimes slightly reddish purple, adaxially glabrous, base attenuate, margin irregularly erose(들쭉날쭉한) to dentate (sometimes indistinctly lobed), apex acute or obtuse; midvein prominent, yellow-green. Flowers bisexual and female, usually several per glomerule, arranged on branches in spicate or paniculate inflorescences (and/or in axillary glomerules), these shorter than leaves and interrupted. Perianth segments 3 or 4, light green, narrowly oblong or obovate-lanceolate, less than 1 mm, slightly succulent, usually not farinose, apex usually obtuse. Stamens 1 or 2; filaments not exserted from perianth; anthers globose. Stigmas 2, very short. Utricle protruding from perianth; pericarp yellow-white, membranous. Seed horizontal, oblique, or vertical, dark brown or red-brown, compressed globose, ca. 0.75 mm in diam., pitted, rim margin obtuse. Fl. and fr. May-Oct.
(생육지와 분포)
Fields, vegetable gardens, peripheries of villages, slightly saline-alkaline soils. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Yunnan [N and S temperate zones].
(보충 기재)
Chenopodium glaucum is a variable species represented by various forms of little or no taxonomic significance. However, throughout its extremely wide range it is also differentiated into several morphologically intergrading but geographically defined subspecies or microspecies.
Chenopodium amurense Ignatov (Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 91: 111. 1986) was described from the Amur River area of the Russian Far East. This little-known entity clearly belongs to the C. glaucum aggregate (as a species or subspecies), differing from C. glaucum s.str. by having 3-lobed leaves and distinctly spatulate perianth segments. Such plants probably also occur in NE China. It should be noted, however, that 3-lobed leaves are characteristic of the rare hybrid, C. ×schulzeanum Murr (C. glaucum × C. rubrum).
FOC 세밀화
출처: http://www.efloras.org/object_page.aspx?object_id=50890&flora_id=2
국생지에는 현재 명아주속Chenopodium으로 아래 13종이 등재되어 있는데 이들은 다시 Chenopodium과 Dyspahania으로 구분된다 이 2속은 아래와 같이 분류한다
1. Plants (at least some parts) with glandular
or glandular-vesicular hairs
초체에 선모나 선상 낭모가 있는 부분이 있다
................................... Dysphania
1. Plants farinose or glabrous
초체는 분가루가 있거나 매끈하다
................................... Chenopodium
가는명아주 Chenopodium album var. stenophyllum Makino
둥근잎명아주 Chenopodium acuminatum Willd.
명아주 Chenopodium album var. centrorubrum Makino
얇은명아주 Chenopodium hybridum L.
좀명아주 Chenopodium ficifolium Smith
참명아주 Chenopodium koraiense Nakai → Chenopodium gracilispicum H. W. Kung,
청명아주 Chenopodium bryoniaefolium Bunge → Chenopodium bryoniifolium Bunge
취명아주 Chenopodium glaucum L. http://blog.daum.net/daehyo/7809409
흰명아주 Chenopodium album L.
냄새명아주 Dysphania pumilio (R. Brown) Mosyakin & Clemants
바늘명아주 Dysphania aristata (Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemants
양명아주 Dysphania ambrosioides (Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemants
호주명아주 Dysphania carinata (R. Brown) Mosyakin & Clemants
명아주속 Chenopodium 검색표(FOC; 국내 분포 분류군에 적합하게 검색표 조정)
1. Perianth 3- or 4-parted;
seeds horizontal, vertical, or oblique.
............................... C. glaucum 취명아주
1. Perianth mostly 5-parted;
seeds always horizontal.
2. Leaf blade margin entire,
or with a pair of simple or divided lateral lobes below middle.
3. Inflorescence crowded,
rachis or beneath flowers with fascicles of terete hairs;
leaf blade margin narrowly pellucid;
perianth mostly thickened in fruit and becoming star-shaped.
.......................... C. acuminatum 둥근잎명아주
3. Inflorescence slender and loose,
rachis without fascicles of terete hairs;
leaf blade margin not pellucid;
perianth not thickened in fruit.
4. Leaf blade margin with distinct, lateral lobes,
sometimes lobes 2-divided;
perianth segments ovate;
seed radially lineate.
.............................. C. bryoniifolium 청명아주
4. Leaf blade margin entire or with obscure, lateral lobes;
perianth segments narrowly obovate to linear;
seed pitted.
............................... C. gracilispicum 참명아주
2. Leaf blade margin ± toothed.
5. Leaf blade margin palmately lobed;
seed usually 2-3 mm in diam., distinctly orbicular pitted.
................................... C. hybridum 얇은명아주
5. Leaf blade margin not palmately lobed;
seed less than 2 mm in diam., not orbicular pitted.
6. Leaf blade margin distinctly 3-lobed,
middle and lateral lobes serrate;
seed hexagonally pitted;
perianth segments valvate in bud and remaining closed at anthesis.
.................................... C. ficifolium 좀명아주
6. Leaf blade margin not 3-lobed;
seed lightly lineate;
perianth segments imbricate in bud and spreading in flower.
................................ C. album 명아주(와 변종들)
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