
Eucalyptus gunnii (사이더검)(1)

대효0617 2012. 12. 19. 09:33


Eucalyptus gunnii (사이더검)(2)


Eucalyptus gunnii (사이더검)(1)



학명: Eucalyptus gunnii Hook.f.

분류: 도금양과(Myrtaceae)

학명 풀이:

Eucalyptus: eu- ‘good’ +kaluptos ‘covered’ : 꽃눈이 덮개(operculum)으로 잘 덮여 있다는 뜻

gunnii: 19세기 영국의 식물학자인 Ronald Campbell Gunn

영명: cider gum

국내 유통명: 사이더검/유칼립투스구니

원산지: 오스트레일리아의 Tasmania



사진: 2012.12.15  양평들꽃수목원



















아래 나무는 잎이 위의 것과 달라 다른 나무처럼 보이나 독같은 사이더검으로 소개되어 있다. 어린 나무의 잎과 성목의 잎이 다른 형태를 취한다고 되어 있다.  


Juvenile leaves are leathery, glaucous blue and rounded to oblong to one to two inches (2.5-5 cm) wide. The adult leaves are greenish to 4 inches (10 cm) long and narrowly to broadly lanceolate. When leaves are crushed they are heavily scented.












아래 : 2022.04.06 양평들꽃수목원








설명 1. 위키페디아


Eucalyptus gunnii (cider gum or gunnii) is a species of flowering plant in the family Myrtaceae, endemic to Tasmania, occurring on the plains and slopes of the central plateaux[1] to around 1100 metres, with isolated occurrences south of Hobart.[2]


It is a small- to medium-sized evergreen tree. Older specimens have a short, massive bole and large, spreading branches. The bark is often persistent for several metres as a thin, grey stocking, or shedding all over to leave a smooth, yellowish, patchy surface, weathering to white-, green- or pink-grey. Leaves are stalked, elliptical to ovate, to 8 cm long and 3 cm broad, concolorous, grey-green and thick. White flowers are produced in midsummer.


....... 중략 .......


The plant produces a sweet sap similar to maple syrup, and is being considered for cultivation for this product. When bottled and capped, the liquid ferments and resembles apple cider, hence cider gum. The sweet foliage is eagerly eaten by livestock.


출처: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eucalyptus_gunnii


설명 2

Eucalyptus gunnii or Cider Gum is a deciduous tree native to Southern Australia and Tasmania. In its natural habitat it can reach up to 100 feet (30 m) tall. The bark is smooth green and white. Juvenile leaves are leathery, glaucous blue and rounded to oblong to one to two inches (2.5-5 cm) wide. The adult leaves are greenish to 4 inches (10 cm) long and narrowly to broadly lanceolate. When leaves are crushed they are heavily scented. Trees are hardy down to 5-10°F (-12° to -15°C). They are very hardy in USDA zones 8-11.


Blooming: The trees bloom in April to June with very small creamy white blooms in clusters of 2-3.


출처: http://www.plantoftheweek.org/week393.shtml



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