

대효0617 2013. 1. 8. 11:19


학명: Amaranthus caudatus L.

분류: 비름과(Amaranthaceae)

학명 풀이:

Amaranthus: everlasting flower

caudatus: 미상화서(꼬리가 있는)

일어명: ヒモゲイトウ

영명: Love-lies-bleeding, Tassel Flower


사진: 2012.09.28 청평














아래: 2019.10.12  문경 새재














<국생정> 설명:

잎은 어긋나기하며 사각상 달걀모양 또는 사각상 피침형이고 양끝이 좁으며 길이 5-10cm, 나비 3-6cm로서 표면은 털이 없으나 뒷면 맥 위에 털이 있고 엽병은 길다.


열매는 열리는 열매로서 타원형이며 꽃받침보다 길고 끝에 3개의 짧은 돌기가 있으며 중앙부가 갈라져서 윗부분이 모자처럼 떨어진다. 종자는 백색이고 편원형이며 둘레가 적색이다.

꽃은 8-9월에 피고 이삭꽃차례는 윗부분의 잎겨드랑이와 끝에서 나와 길게 처지며 포는 길이 2-3mm로서 막질이고 끝이 둥글며 다소 톱니가 있고 끝이 까락같으며 화피보다 다소 길다. 꽃받침조각은 5개이고 긴 타원형이며 끝이 뾰족하고 길이 2mm로서 홍색 또는 백색이다. 수술은 5개, 암술은 1개이다.


원줄기는 높이가 90cm에 달하고 다소 능선이 있으며 굵고 곧게 선다. 붉은빛이 돌며 거칠고 홍색을 띠며, 상부에 작은 털이 퍼져 난다.


열대 아메리카 원산.


각지에서 재배한다.




높이가 90cm 정도로 자란다.



잎과 씨를 포함하여 식물체 대부분을 식용할 수 있다고 한다.(위키)



FNA 설명


Amaranthus caudatus Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 990. 1753.

Love-lies-bleeding, purple amaranth, foxtail amaranth, quilete


Plants moderately pubescent distally, becoming glabrescent at maturity. Stems erect, usually green, moderately branched, rarely nearly simple, 0.5-1.5(-2.5) m. Leaves: petiole shorter than to equaling blade; blade rhombic-ovate, ovate, or elliptic to broadly lanceolate, 5-15(-20) × 2-10 cm, base cuneate, margins entire, apex acute to subobtuse, with mucro. Inflorescences terminal, drooping or nodding, usually red, purple, or white, less commonly green, silvery green, or yellow, usually much-branched at base, leafless at least distally, very large and robust. Bracts narrowly lanceolate to linear, equaling or subequal to tepals, not exceeding style branches, apex acuminate with excurrent midrib. Pistillate flowers: tepals 5, spatulate-obovate or lanceolate-obovate, not clawed, subequal, (1-)1.5-2(-2.5) mm, membranaceous, apex obtuse, slightly emarginate, or subacute with mucro; style branches spreading or reflexed; stigmas 3. Staminate flowers mostly at tips of inflorescences; tepals (4-)5; stamens 5. Utricles broadly ovoid to subglobose, 1.5-2(-2.5) mm, ± equaling tepals, dehiscence regularly circumscissile. Seeds dark brown to brownish black or reddish brown, yellowish white, or ivory, lenticular to subglobose, 1-1.2(-1.5) mm diam., smooth or indistinctly punctate.

Flowering summer-fall. Rarely occurs as escapes, persisting near the places of cultivation; introduced; Calif., Conn., Del., Ill., Kans., Maine, Mass., Mich., Mo., N.Y., Oreg., Pa., Tenn., Vt., Wis.; Central America; South America; cultivated elsewhere except cold-temperate, subarctic, and arctic zones.

While reported as naturalized in some states, most specimens identified as Amaranthus caudatus are referable to A. hybridus or other native species. Amaranthus caudatus is one of the most popular domesticated amaranths and is cultivated primarily as an ornamental, and, to a lesser degree, as a pseudocereal. Plants of A. caudatus may occur locally, usually close to places of cultivation and mostly in the southern regions of the flora. No reliable records of their successful naturalization are available. It is impossible at present to trace records of such ephemeral populations and individual escapes; maps and detailed distribution statements for cultivated species of amaranths are not presented here.


The origin of Amaranthus caudatus remains uncertain. It is generally believed that it originated in South America or Central America from some unspecified wild race of the A. hybridus aggregate, probably South American A. quitensis Kunth. At least some cultivated forms and strains of A. caudatus probably developed with some degree of hybridization with other cultivated species. Numerous infraspecific entities that are mostly of horticultural importance have been described within A. caudatus. Forms with erect and robust club-shaped inflorescences have been recognized as A. mantegazzianus.











































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