

대효0617 2013. 1. 16. 19:04



버섯 동호인 카페에 문의하였더니 노른자비단그물버섯으로 추정왼다고 답하였다. 인터넷을 검색해보니 비슷하기는 한데 조직의 색깔이 검색되는 사진, 설명과 일치하지 않아 꺼림직하다. 그냥 추정으로 올린다.  식용가능한 버섯이라 한다.




학명: Suillus americanus (Peck) Snell

학명 이명: Boletus americanus Peck

Ixocomus americanus (Peck) E.-J. Gilbert

분류: 비단그물버섯과(Suillaceae)

학명 풀이:

Suillus: 돼지(swine)

국명 이명: 노란대비단그물버섯

영명: chicken fat mushroom


사진: 2012.09.20 석룡산












노른자비단그물버섯 Suillus americanus (Peck) Snell


녹슬은비단그물버섯 Suillus viscidus (L.) Fr.

붉은비단그물버섯 Suillus pictus (Peck) A. H. Sm. et Thiers

비단그물버섯 Suillus luteus (L.) Roussel

솔비단그물버섯 Suillus tomentosus (Kauffman) Singer

젖비단그물버섯 Suillus granulatus (L.) Roussel


큰비단그물버섯 Suillus grevillei (Klotzsch) Singer


평원비단그물버섯 Suillus placidus (Bonord.) Singer

황소비단그물버섯 Suillus bovinus (Pers.) Roussel





퍼온 사진 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suillus_americanus




Suillus americanus is a species of fungus in the Suillaceae family of mushrooms. Commonly known as the chicken fat mushroom, the American slippery Jack (or slipperycap), or the American suillus, it grows in a mycorrhizal association with eastern white pine and can be found where this tree occurs in eastern North America and China. The mushroom can be recognized by the bright yellow cap with red to reddish-brown scales embedded in slime, the large yellow angular pores on the underside of the cap, and the narrow yellow stem marked with dark reddish dots. Molecular phylogenetics analysis suggests that S. americanus may be the same species as S. sibiricus, found in western North America and western and central Asia. Suillus americanus is edible, although opinions vary as to its palatability; some susceptible individuals may suffer a contact dermatitis after touching the fruit bodies. The fruit bodies contain a beta glucan carbohydrate shown in laboratory tests to have anti-inflammatory properties. ..... 중략.......


The cap is typically between 3–10 cm in diameter, broadly convex with a small umbo (a central elevation) to flat with age. The cap margin is curved inwards in young specimens, and may have remnants of a yellowish, cottony veil hanging from it. The cap surface is colored bright yellow with red or brownish streaks and hairy patches. When the fruit body is young and moist, the surface is slimy(점액질); as the cap matures and dries out, it becomes sticky or tacky(끈쩍거리는).


The tubes which comprise the pore layer on the underside of the cap are 0.4 to 0.6 cm deep, and have an adnate (attached broadly to the stem) to decurrent (running down the length of the stem) attachment to the stem. They are yellow, and stain reddish-brown when bruised. The yellow pores are large (1–2 mm diameter) and angular, and tend to become darker as they age. The pores are slightly wider than long, so that there are about 9–10 pores per centimeter measured radially, but 12 to 13 per centimeter when measured tangentially, about halfway to the edge. As is the case with all boletes, spores form on the inner surfaces of the tubes and sift through their openings to be borne away on the air currents outside.


The stem is 3–9 cm by 0.4–1 cm, roughly equal in width throughout, often crooked, and becomes hollow with age. The color of the stem surface is lemon yellow, and it is covered with glandular dots that bruise if handled. The partial veil is not attached to the stem, and usually does not leave an ring on the stem. A whitish mycelium present at the base of the stem helps anchor the fruit body in the substrate. The flesh is mustard yellow, and stains pinkish-brown when cut or bruised.


,,,,,,,하략 ..........


설명 출처: 위키

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