

대효0617 2013. 2. 26. 17:15



학명: Gymnopus confluens (Pers.) Antonin, Halling & Noordel.

학명 이명:Collybia confluens

분류: 낙엽버섯과(Marasmiaceae)

학명 풀이:

Gymnopus: ? (pus는 썩은 물질)

* Gynnopes (naked foot)를 오기한 것이 굳어진 것이 아닌가 싶다

confluens: 합류


사진: 2012.08.26 화악산












설명 1: <국생정> 설명

발생 계절


발생 형태

무리지어 발생




숲속의 낙엽


반구형에서 거의 편평하게 전개


직경 1~3.5cm


바른주름살 또는 올린주름살로 밀생하며 균모와 동색이다.


표면은 평활하고 살색이며, 중앙은 약간 짙은 색이다. 건조하면 퇴색됨


주름살은 끝붙은형 또는 떨어진형이고, 빽빽하며, 갓과 같은 색

크기는 2.5~9cm x 1.5~4mm이고 압착된것도있고 갈색이며 미세한털이 있다.속은비었다.,


장타원형이며 표면은 평활



설명 2.

Gymnopus confluens


Gymnopus confluens is a decomposer of both hardwood and conifer litter, recognized by its crowded gills, quickly fading cap, tendency to grow in loose clusters, and its distinctive stem, which is covered with a fine whitish fuzz and is quite long in proportion to the width of the cap. There may be several North American species going under the name Gymnopus confluens (which officially represents a European species); it is reported from vastly different ecosystems--from forests of towering conifers in the Pacific Northwest to aspen(포플러나무) forests in the Rocky Mountains to oak-hickory forests in eastern North America--and authors often note collections with fairly substantial morphological differences (e.g. Mitchel & Smith, 1978; Arora, 1986).




Ecology: Saprobic; growing in loose clusters or sometimes merely gregariously on leaf or needle litter or from woody debris; summer and fall; apparently widely distributed in North America, at least as a species group (see comments above).


Cap: 1-6 cm; convex with an incurved margin when young, becoming broadly convex, bell-shaped, or nearly flat; moist or dry; bald or minutely silky; reddish brown at first, but quickly fading to pale tan(황갈색) or pinkish buff(담황색).


Gills: Narrowly attached to the stem, or nearly free from it by maturity; crowded or close; whitish when young, darkening to pinkish buff.


Stem: 2.5-13 cm long; 2-9 mm thick; more or less equal, or flared at the apex and/or base; dry; tough and flexible; finely hairy or finely velvety with whitish fuzz that becomes more noticeable as the mushroom matures; buff to pale cinnamon.


Flesh: Whitish; thin; tough.


Odor and Taste: Not distinctive, or very rarely reminiscent of onions.


Chemical Reactions: KOH negative to faintly olive on cap surface.


Spore Print: Creamy white.


출처: http://www.mushroomexpert.com/gymnopus_confluens.html



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