

대효0617 2013. 2. 26. 18:08


학명: Russula emetica (Schaeff.) Pers.

분류: 무당버섯과(Russulaceae)

학명 풀이:

Russula: reddish

emetica: 구토를 일으키는 성질이 있는



사진: 2012.07.25 금병산












설명 1:<국생정> 설명

발생 계절


발생 형태

홀로 또는 균환(菌環)을 이루며 무리지어 발생




반구형에서 중앙오목편평형으로 전개


직경 3~10cm


조직은 부드럽지만 매운맛이 강함


표면은 평활하며 점성이 있고, 선홍색이지만, 비 등에 쉽게 허옇게 바램. 생장하면서 홈선이 나타나고, 표피는 벗겨지기 쉬움


주름살은 끝붙은내린형, 백색, 약간 성글음

길이 2.5~7cm 이고 백색이며 주름같은 세로줄 무늬가 있고 내부는 부서지기 쉽다.


유구형이고, 표면은 돌기가 있는 망목상 구조물들이 분포



설명 2

Russula emetica (Schaeff.)Pers.


Phylum: Basidiomycota

Class: Agaricomycetes

Order: Russulales

Family: Russulaceae

The specific epithet emetica surely needs no explanation. As long as you spit out a sample of any of the red brittlegills, taste testing will not result in sickness - but your tongue may tingle(쑤시다) for a while if you sample any of the peppery hot ones. Make a meal of Russula emetica, however, and you can expect to feel very poorly indeed for quite a few days.


On the positive side, when in good condition these are among the prettiest of woodland fungi.


Another of the ‘red for danger’ brittlegills, this mushroom is very similar in appearance to the Beechwood Sickener, Russula nobilis. Differentiating features are the greater brittleness of Russula nobilis; its convex cap shape even when fully mature; and its cap cuticle, which peels only 1/3 to the centre whereas that of Russula emetica peels at least 2/3 to the centre and often almost completely.




Identification Guide


Scarlet, fading in wet weather (the pigment in the cap cuticle is somewhat water soluble); peeling almost to centre; the flesh of Russula emetica is pink beneath the cuticle; cap surface smooth convex, sometimes becoming slightly depressed when fully mature; margin knobbly with small, rounded bumps irregularly spaced) and slightly striate; 3 to 10cm across.


White, turning pale cream; adnexed or free; crowded.



White, sometimes yellowing slightly with age; cylindrical, the base slightly clavate; 4 to 9cm long, 0.7 to 2cm in diameter.


Elipsoidal, 8-11 x 7.5-8.5µm, with conical warts to 1.2µm tall linked by narrow connectives to form a well-developed reticulum.


Spore print

White or very pale cream.

Odour/taste Faint fruity odour; very hot and peppery taste.

Habitat Russula emetica, The Sickener, is found mainly beneath conifers (pines and spruces in particular) and occasionally also on mossy (fairly wet) heathland. In common with other members of the Russulaceae, Russula emetica is an ectomycorrhizal mushroom.

Season August to October.

Occurrence Very common and widespread throughout Britain and Ireland, Russula emetica occurs also on mainland Europe, in northern Africa, and in Asia as well as North America.

Similar species The Beechwood Sickener, Russula nobilis, is found under Beech trees rather than with conifers; it is similar when the fruitbodies are young, but its caps remain convex rather than becoming depressed when fully mature. Russula nobilis is just as poisonous as Russula emetica and so both should be avoided when gathering mushrooms for food.

출처: http://www.speciesfungorum.org/Names/fundic.asp


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