

대효0617 2014. 5. 16. 11:12


그늘사초절 Digitatae 종 검색표



학명: Carex erythrobasis H. Léveillé & Vaniot

학명 이명: Carex hallaisanensis H. Léveillé & Vaniot;

C. pedunculata Muhlenberg ex Willdenow var. erythrobasis (H. Léveillé & Vaniot) T. Koyama.

분류: 사초과(Cyperaceae)

학명 풀이:

Carex: 사초

erythrobasis : 기부가 붉은



사진: 2014. 04.27 태백산





















아래: 2016.05.15 소백산








한라사초 부분 세밀화 - 퍼온 자료.






5. 자인편 6. 과낭 7. 수과


선화 출처:  Flora of China http://www.efloras.org/object_page.aspx?object_id=122648&flora_id=2



퍼온 세밀화










퍼온 세밀화 출처:






중국식물지 설명

Rhizome short.


Culms densely tufted, lateral, 12-25 cm tall, slender, compressed triquetrous, slightly scabrous, with purple-red or dark purple and bladeless sheaths at base.


Involucral bracts spathelike,

  involucral bract sheaths green and slightly purple-red or dark purple,

  lower involucral bracts with short blade,

  upper blades setaceous.


Spikes 3 or 4, lowermost one remote, borne from base of culm, remaining spikes approximate;


terminal spike male, usually taller than adjacent female spike, cylindric, 7-10 mm;


lateral spikes female, oblong, 2-3 mm, loosely 10- or more flowered;

  peduncles slightly stiff, lowermost one rather long, others short, slightly exserted from involucral bract sheath.


Female glume pale brown laterally, green at middle, oblong, 2.5-3 mm, 3-veined, membranous, apex rounded or truncate, with awn 0.8-1 mm.


Utricles yellowish, slightly longer than glume, elliptic, trigonous, ca. 4 mm, papery, loosely pubescent,

   2-veined laterally,

  base attenuate into a long stipe,


  apex contracted into a short beak,


  orifice emarginate.


Nutlets yellowish, elliptic, trigonous, ca. 3 mm, base stipitate, apex contracted into a short beak; style base not thickened; stigmas 3. Fl. and fr. Jun-Jul.





Broad-leaved or Pinus koraiensis forests; 200-800 m. S Jilin (Changbai Shan) [Korea, Russia (Far East)].


설명 출처: http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=250095489

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