덤불쑥(1)(덤불쑥/그늘쑥/쑥/산쑥 비교)
학명: Artemisia rubripes Nakai
분류: 국화과 (Compositae)
일어명 : ヤブヨモギ(藪덤불 수蓬 쑥봉)
사진: 2015.06.06 인제
아래: 160730 백두산 근처
뺑쑥과도 비슷해보이나 사진 3개를 모두 동일종의 사진으로 본다면 덤불쑥일 가능성이 더 높다
아래는 같은 날 쫌 떨어진 지역에서
아래: 160731 길림 노야력
아래: 2018.06.27 내몽골 바가툰
좀 자신은 없지만 덤불쑥으로 올린다
아래 : 2022.09.18 가평 용수동
Herbs perennial.
Roots thin fibrous.
Rhizomes long creeping.
Stems 94-163cm tall., 1.3-4.8 mm thick; indumentum glabrous.
Lower leaves withering before flowering.
Middle leave petiolate, 14.9-26.4 mm long;
pseudostipule 1-2 pairs;
leaf blades ovate, 1-2 pinnately divided, 68.1-117.8 mm long , 65.1-108.0 mm wide, glabrescent on adaxial surface, densely arachnoid-pubescent on abaxial surface with glandular;
segments 2-3 pairs, oblanceolate, pinnately divided, 32.1-60.9mm long, 25.1-35.6mm wide; ultimate segments
lanceolate, acuminate at apex.
Upper leaves small, leafy bracts, simple.
Inflorescence middle panicle.
Capitula shortly pedunculate to sessile, secund, erect;
involucre narrowly ellipsoid-campanulate, 3.2-3.5 mm long, 1.4-1.6mm wide;
phyllaries 4-5 seriate , laxly imbricate, arachnoid-pubescent with gladular;
outer phyllaries elliptic, green, middle membranous margin, acute at apex;
middle phyllaries elliptic, green, middle membranous margin, obtuse at apex;
inner phyllaries oblanceolate, broadly membranous margin, rounded at apex.
Receptacle convex , glabrous.
Marginal female florets 3-6 in number, corolla 0.7-1.1 mm long, thready terete with cuneate shaped glandular, 2-3 toothed irregularly at apex;
style 1.0-1.5mm long, longer than corolla;
stigma 05-1.0 mm long, 2-divergent, obtuse at apex;
ovary fertile, 05-0.7mm long.
Disk bisexual florets 5-8 in number, corolla 1.3-1.6 mm long, narrowly tubular with throat, cuneate shaped glandular, 5-toothed
regularly at apex;
style 1.0-1.5mm long, longer thancorolla;
stigma 0.4-0.6mm long, 2-divergent, combed funnelform at apex;
ovary fertile, 0.5-0.55mm long;
anthers 5 in number, 2 acute basal appendages, apical appendage acute, triangular, 0.7-0.85mm long.
Achenes brown, oblong, 1.0-1.2 mm long, glabrous.
Chromosome number 2n=16
Fl: 8-10
이하 생략
설명 출처: 박명순,, A Systematic Study of the Genus Artemisia (Asteraceae) in Korea , 2012.