

대효0617 2015. 11. 25. 10:20



왕느릅나무(2)(Ulmus 종 검색표)




미국느릅나무(1)(미국느릅나무와 왕느릅나무 잎, 열매 비교)








학명:  Ulmus americana L.

분류: 느릅나무과(Ulmaceae)



사진: 2015.11. 06 아차산


























아래: 2016. 03.26 아차산












아래 : 2022.03.31 아차산



아래 :2022.04.25 아차산 생태공원








아래 : 2023.05.20 창동 북한산 아이파크


우리 아파트에 있는 것은 미국느릅나무로 추정한다 











아래: 2021.05.21 창동


원래 왕느릅나무로 올렸던 것이지만 미국느릅나무로 수정하여 이곳으로 옮기었다 

조락하지만 길고 톱니가 나 있는  탁엽이 인상적이다 

왕느릅나무의 겨울눈 아린은 흑갈색이고 미국느릅나무의 겨울눈 아린은 자갈색이다








아래: 2021.06.02 창동


















FNA 세밀화















세밀화 출처:






설명 1:


Trees , 21-35 m; crowns spreading, commonly vase-shaped.

Bark light brown to gray, deeply fissured or split into plates. Wood soft. Branches pendulous, old-growth branches smooth, not winged; twigs brown, pubescent to glabrous. Buds brown, apex acute, glabrous; scales reddish brown, pubescent. Leaves: petiole ca. 5 mm, glabrous to pubescent. Leaf blade oval to oblong-obovate, 7-14 × 3-7 cm, base oblique, margins doubly serrate, apex acute to acuminate; surfaces abaxially glabrous to slightly pubescent, tufts in axils of veins, adaxially glabrous to scabrous. Inflorescences fascicles, less than 2.5 cm, flowers and fruits drooping on elongate pedicels; pedicel 1-2 cm. Flowers: calyx shallowly lobed, slightly asymmetric, lobes 7-9, margins ciliate; stamens 7-9; anthers red; stigmas white-ciliate, deeply divided. Samaras yellow-cream when mature, sometimes tinged with reddish purple (s range of species), ovate, ca. 1 cm, narrowly winged, margins ciliate, cilia yellow to white, to 1 mm. Seeds thickened, not inflated. 2 n = 56.


Flowering winter-early spring. Alluvial(충적토) woods, swamp forests, deciduous woodlands, fencerows, pastures, old fields, waste areas; planted as street trees



The American elm is susceptible to numerous diseases, including Dutch elm disease. Ulmus americana has been a street and shade tree of choice because of its fast growth and pleasant shape and size. The species still exists in substantial numbers both as shade trees and in nature.


출처: http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=233501325



설명 2:


Leaf: Alternate, simple, ovate to oblong, 3 to 5 inches long, 1 to 3 inches wide, margin coarsely and sharply doubly serrate, base conspicuously inequilateral, upper surface green and glabrous or slightly scabrous, paler and downy beneath.

Flower: Species is monoecious; small, in drooping clusters of 3 to 5, appear in early spring before leaf buds open.

Fruit: Rounded, flat, pappery, wafer-like samaras, 3/8 to 1/2 inch across, deeply notched at apex, hairless except for margin; ripen in spring.

Twig: Slender, glabrous, slightly zigzag, reddish brown; buds ovate, over 1/4 inch long, reddish brown with darker edged scales, often placed a little to one side of the twig.

Bark: Dark, ashy gray, flat-topped ridges separated by diamond-shaped fissures; outer bark when sectioned shows distinct, alternating, buff colored and reddish brown patches. When young it is often quite spongy.

Form: In the open, the trunk is usually divided into several large, ascending and arching limbs, ending in a maze of graceful drooping branchlets






설명 2 출처: .




