학명: Nicotiana x sanderae W.Watson
학명 이명 : Nicotiana × sanderi Mast.(위키페디아)
분류: 가지과(Solanaceae)
영명: Flowering tobacco
사진: 2015.10.15 중랑천
아래 : 2024.07.31 여주 황학산수목원
Nicotiana × sanderae is a hybrid of the tobacco species Nicotiana alata and Nicotiana forgetiana.It is the most common Nicotiana variety found and sold in the United Kingdom. N. × sanderae requires soft soil mixed with sand to thrive. The plant will grow to heights of 3 feet (0.91 m) and will give off a sweet scent in the evening, like most Nicotiana plants. N. × sanderae are not hardy against frost and will die if they come in contact with it. They withstand drought. Because of their size N. × sanderae are used as a house or garden plant.
An analytical study published in 1963 concluded that N. × sanderae leaves have a low nicotine concentration and a moderately low nornicotine concentration.
내용 요약: Nicotiana alata와 Nicotiana forgetiana의 잡종이다. 높이 0.9m 정도로 자라며 향기가 좋다. 추위에 약하여 서리가 내리면 죽는다. 건조에는 강하다. 니코틴 함량이 낮으며 노르니코틴 함량도 비교적 낮은 편이다.
설명 출처: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotiana_%C3%97_sanderae
Nicotiana × sanderi - Wikipedia
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