학명 : Crepidiastrum sonchifolium (Maxim.) Pak & Kawano
분류 : Asteraceae
중국어명 : 尖裂假还阳参
일어명 : イヌヤクシソウ(犬薬師草)
사진: 2016.06.20 인천
아래: 2021.04.05 도봉구
아래 : 2024.04.05 파주 해마루촌
고들빼기잎과 (노랑)선씀바귀 근생엽 비교
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일본, 중국에 분포한다.
전국에 분포한다.
높이 12-80cm에 달한다.
근생엽은 꽃이 필 때까지 남아 있거나 없어지며 엽병이 없고 긴 타원형이며 둔두이고 길이 2.5-5cm, 나비 14-17mm로서 양면에 털이 없으며 표면은 녹색, 뒷면은 분백이고 가장자리가 빗살처럼 갈라진다. 줄기잎은 어긋나기하고 달걀모양 또는 난상 긴 타원형이며 길이 2.3-6cm로서 예두이고 밑부분이 넓어져서 원줄기를 크게 감싸며 불규칙한 결각상의 톱니가 있고 위로 올라갈수록 작아진다.
꽃은 7~9월에 피고 연황색의 머리모양꽃차례는 가지 끝에 산방상으로 달리며 화경은 길이 5-9mm이고 포는 길이 0.5-0.7mm로서 2-3개이다. 총포는 길이 5-6mm, 중앙부의 지름 3mm이며 외포편은 1줄로 배열되고 긴 타원형이며 길이 0.5-1.5mm로서 둔두이다. 꽃부리는 황색이고 길이 7-7.5mm, 나비 1.5mm로서 5개로 갈라지며 판통은 길이 1.5-2mm이고 잔털이 다소 있다.
수과는 흑색이며 편평한 원뿔모양이고 길이 2.5-3mm로서 12줄이 있으며 관모는 길이 3mm정도이고 백색이다.
높이 12-80cm에 달하고 곧게 자라며 가지가 많이 갈라지고 자줏빛이 돌며 전체에 털이 없다.
Crepidiastrum sonchifolium (Maximowicz) Pak & Kawano, Mem. Fac. Sci. Kyoto Univ., Ser. Biol. 15: 58. 1992.
尖裂假还阳参 jian lie jia huan yang shen
Herbs 20-100 cm tall, annual or biennial. Root vertical, with many fibrous rootlets. Stem solitary, erect, branched predominantly in upper half, glabrous or rarely puberulent (subsp. pubescens). Leaves glabrous, or rarely puberulent (subsp. pubescens). Basal leaves and often lower stem leaves oblanceolate, apex rounded. Middle and upper stem leaves sessile, narrowly ovate, lanceolate, or rarely ± elliptic, base very conspicuously auriculately clasping, auricles ± rounded; blade including auricles pinnatifid, pinnatipartite, or subpinnatisect and often laciniately so. Synflorescences terminating main stem and branches, corymbiform or paniculiform, with few to many capitula. Capitula with 12-20 florets; peduncle capillaceous. Involucre 4.5-6.5 mm, narrowly cylindric. Phyllaries abaxially glabrous; outer phyllaries few, ovate, less than 0.5 mm, apex acute; inner phyllaries ca. (7 or)8, plane or more often weakly to strongly crested or corniculate below apex. Achene fusiform, 2-4.2 mm including a slender 0.4-1.8 mm beak. Pappus white, 2-3 mm.
(생육지와 분포)
Grasslands on mountain slopes, thickets, floodplains, rocky stream beds, cliffs, roadsides; below 100-1900 m. Anhui, Chongqing, Gansu, ?Guangxi, Guizhou, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan [Korea, Mongolia, E Russia].
(종하 분류군)
1. Stems, branches, and leaves glabrous;
achene ribs scabrid especially apically,
beak 0.4-1 mm and 1/5-1/3 as long as achene.
........................ subsp. sonchifolium
1. Stems, branches, and leaves puberulent;
achene ribs apically strongly muriculate,
beak 1.2-1.8 mm and almost 1/2 as long as achene.
...................... subsp. pubescens
(원변종 기재)
Crepidiastrum sonchifolium subsp. sonchifolium
尖裂假还阳参(原亚种) jian lie jia huan yang shen (yuan ya zhong)
(학명 이명)
Youngia sonchifolia Maximowicz, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg Divers Savans 9: 180. 1859; Crepidiastrum sonchifolium var. elegans (Franchet) Sennikov; Ixeridium elegans (Franchet) C. Shih; I. sonchifolium (Maximowicz) C. Shih; Ixeris denticulata (Houttuyn) Stebbins subsp. elegans (Franchet) Stebbins; I. denticulata subsp. sonchifolia (Maximowicz) Stebbins; I. serotina (Maximowicz) Kitagawa; I. sonchifolia (Maximowicz) Hance; I. sonchifolia var. serotina (Maximowicz) Kitagawa; Lactuca bungeana Nakai; L. denticulata (Houttuyn) Maximowicz var. sonchifolia (Maximowicz) Maximowicz; L. elegans Franchet; L. sonchifolia (Maximowicz) Debeaux (1876), not Willdenow (1803); Paraixeris serotina (Maximowicz) Tzvelev; P. sonchifolia (Maximowicz) Tzvelev; P. sonchifolia var. serotina (Maximowicz) Kitagawa; Y. serotina Maximowicz.
Basal leaves and often lower stem leaves oblanceolate, apex rounded. Middle stem leaves sessile, narrowly ovate, lanceolate, or rarely ± elliptic, 2.5-9 × 0.5-3 cm, base very conspicuously auriculately clasping, auricles ± rounded; blade including auricles pinnatifid, pinnatipartite, or subpinnatisect, with short triangular (1-5 mm) to long narrowly triangular or sublinear (to 1.5 cm) acute lateral lobes and a larger acute terminal lobe, margin entire or sharply dentate. Upper stem leaves similar to middle stem leaves but smaller, usually less incised, less dentate, or entire especially in upper part of blade, apex long acuminate. Involucre 4.5-6.5 mm. Inner phyllaries plane or more often weakly to strongly crested or corniculate below apex. Anther tube and style yellow upon drying. Achene reddish brown, 2-3.2 mm including a slender 0.4-1 mm beak. Pappus 2-3 mm. Fl. and fr. Apr-Sep. 2n = 10*.
(생육지와 분포)
Grasslands on mountain slopes, thickets, floodplains, rocky stream beds, cliffs, roadsides; below 100-1900 m. Anhui, Chongqing, Gansu, ?Guangxi, Guizhou, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan [Korea, Mongolia, E Russia].
(추가 기재)
Stebbins (J. Bot. 75: 43-51. 1937) distinguished Ixeris denticulata subsp. elegans from I. denticulata subsp. sonchifolia by the slightly smaller involucres, distinctly crested or corniculate inner phyllaries, and more finely dentate leaves. In the material studied, this delimitation does not appear to work. Although, for example, the inner phyllaries are strikingly corniculate in the type of Lactuca elegans, there is no discontinuity but a rather continuous variation toward plants with only slightly crested or even plane phyllaries. Similar observations regard the other features listed.
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