
Pachystachys lutea(노랑새우풀)

대효0617 2016. 7. 15. 12:05


학명: Pachystachys lutea Nees

분류: 쥐꼬리망초과(Acanthaceae)
학명 풀이:

Pachystachys : thick spike

lutea : 노란색

영명: lollipop plant and golden shrimp plant

국내 유통명 : 노랑새우풀, 노랑새우꽃, 금새우풀


원산지: 중남미 열대 지역


사진: 2016.05.03 제주도(여미지식물원)




풀이라 이름 붙였지만 초본이 아니라 관목이다. 노란 것은 꽃잎이 아니고 포이고,  흰색이 꽃이다.,








아래 : 2022.03.12 세종수목원




아래 : 2023.01.18 세종수목원










아래 : 2023.01.26 물향기수목원






아래 : 2024.02.25 수원 영흥수목원















영어 위키 설명

Pachystachys lutea, known by the common names lollipop plant and golden shrimp plant, is a subtropical, soft-stemmed evergreen shrub between 36 and 48 inches (90 and 120 cm) tall. The zygomorphic, long-throated, short-lived white flowers emerge sequentially from overlapping bright yellow bracts on racemes that are produced throughout the warm months. It is a popular landscape plant in tropical and subtropical areas of the world.


They grow in almost any well-drained soil but, like most ornamentals, prefer a soil with an acid reaction. In this preferred medium they attain their maximum in leaf size and beautiful colouring.


The plant is popular with hummingbirds






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