반하(1)(반하/대반하 구별)
학명: Pinellia tripartita (Blume) Schott
분류: 천남성과
사진: 2017.06.17 부산
아래 : 2023.11.10 세종식물원
아래 : 2024.03.29 물향기수목원
대반하는 살눈(주아)이 없고 정소엽이 광난형 -난상장타원형으로 폭이 넓다.
반하는 살눈(주아)이 있고 정소엽이 난상 타원형-선상 피침형이다.
아래 : 2024.06.26 광릉수목원
대반하는 잎이 단엽으로 3심열하고 반하는 잎이 3출엽이다
대반하는 엽병에 살눈이 없고 반하는 엽병에 살눈이 있다
거제도 상록수림 밑에서 난다.
잎은 1-4장이고 잎자루에 살눈이 없다. 잎몸은 깊게 3갈래로 갈라지고 갈래는 달걀모양 또는 좁은 달걀모양으로 길이 10-20㎝이다.
꽃대는 20-50㎝, 불염포는 녹색 또는 자색을 띤 녹색이다. 길이는 6-10㎝으로판연은 달걀모양이다. 내면에 소돌기가 밀생하고 외부는 매끈하다. 부속체는 길이 15-25㎜이다.
FOC 설명
Pinellia tripartita (Blume) Schott, Syn. Aroid. 5. 1856.
三裂叶半夏 san lie ye ban xia
(학명 이명)
Atherurus tripartitus Blume, Rumphia 1: 137. 1835; Arisaema tripartitum (Blume) Engler; Pinellia tripartita var. atropurpurea Makino.
Tuber subglobose, ca. 2.5 cm in diam.; cataphylls lanceolate, to 10 cm. Leaves 2-5; petiole green, 30-35 cm; leaf blade green, 3-partite; leaflets broadly ovate to ovate-oblong; anterior leaflet ca. 15 × 4-7 cm, apex ca. 1.5 cm; lateral leaflets smaller; primary lateral veins 8-12 per side on each leaflet, forming a distinct marginal collective vein, also with 2 thinner collective veins along margin. Inflorescence solitary; peduncle to 25 cm, shorter than petioles, slender. Spathe whitish to light green, slightly constricted, 7-9(-10) cm; tube almost closed within by a transverse septum, gaping at base, oblong to subcylindric, ca. 3.5 × 1-1.25 cm; limb gaping, boat-shaped, oblong, ca. 4 × 2.5 cm. Spadix 20-25 cm; female zone ca. 3 cm, adnate to spathe; female flowers densely arranged; pistil 1-1.2 mm; ovary ovoid, 0.9-1 mm; style distinct, 0.2-0.3 mm, attenuate; stigma subhemispheric; sterile zone between female and male zone 0.6-0.7 cm; male zone 1.8-2 cm; thecae elongate, opening by a slit; appendix long exserted from spathe, sigmoid, 15-20 cm, base ca. 3 mm in diam., smooth. Berries pale green to whitish, ovoid, 1-seeded. Fl. May-Jul, fr. Jun-Sep. 2n = 26, 52.
Dense broad-leaved forests, forest margins, roadsides. Hong Kong [Japan].
Pinellia tripartita was considered endemic to Japan for a long time; it is first reported here from Hong Kong (C. Wright 508, P).
This species differs from Pinellia yaoluopingensis in having broadly ovate or ovate-oblong, sessile leaflets and a tuber lacking tubercles. It is also easily distinguishable from P. ternata by its petioles lacking bulbils.
This species is used ornamentally.
퍼온 세밀화
출처: http://www.efloras.org/object_page.aspx?object_id=122764&flora_id=2
반하와 대반하의 구별
1. Leaf blade only deeply 3-partite, anterior lobe broadly ovate or ovate-oblong,
sessile; bulbils absent.
...................................... P. tripartita 대반하
1. Leaf blade trisect, sometimes pedate with only 5 leaflets, leaflets oblong or
2. Petiole lacking bulbils, bulbils emerging only from tuber; lateral leaflets
usually bifid.
...................................... P. yaoluopingensis
2. Bulbils present at petiole below middle, or both at proximal part of petiole
and at base of leaf blade.
...................................... P. ternata 반하
반하의 세밀화
출처: http://www.efloras.org/object_page.aspx?object_id=122213&flora_id=2