학명: Caldesia parnassifolia (Bassi ex L.) Parl.
분류: 택사과(Alismataceae)
학명 풀이:
parnassiflolia: 물매화속의 잎 모양을 한
사진: 2017.07.10 제주도 거문오름
아래: 2020.08.21 제주도
Fruitlets obovoid, ca. 3 × 2 mm, with 3-5 longitudinal ribs abaxially and an erect beak
(출처: FOC) (모눈크기 2mm)
둥근잎택사와 택사 열매 비교
좌: 등근잎택사 우: 택사
왼쪽 둥근잎택사 오른쪽 택사
둥근잎택사는 아래에서 보듯이 5-10개의 심피가 나선상으로 배열되고
택사는여러 개의 심피가 환상(環狀)으로 배열된다
아래: 2020.08.22 제주도 흐린내생태공원
둥근잎택사와 어리연꽃 엽맥 비교
상: 둥근잎택사(평행맥) 하: 어리연꽃(망상맥)
근연속과의 분류
1. Flowers unisexual or polygamous.
.............................................. Sagittaria 벗풀속
1. Flowers bisexual
2. Stamens 6; carpels arranged in a single whorl.
......................................... Alisma 택사속
2. Stamens (6-)9 to numerous; carpels spirally arranged
....................................... Caldesia 둥근잎택사속
Caldesia Parlatore, Fl. Ital. 3: 598. 1860.
泽薹草属 ze tai cao shu
Herbs, aquatic, perennial, rhizomatous. Leaves all basal, aerial, floating, or submerged, ovate to elliptic; floating leaves deep green, large; aerial leaves subleathery, with erect petiole; submerged leaves usually smaller. Inflorescences paniculate or racemose, much branched; branches whorled, each whorl with 3-6 branches; bracts lanceolate. Flowers pedicellate, verticillate, bisexual. Petals usually larger than sepals. Stamens 6-12. Carpels few to numerous in a single whorl, free, each with 1 ovule. Fruitlets drupaceous, with woody endocarp and spongy exocarp, swollen or slightly compressed, with a short beak.
About three species: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe; two species in China.
1. Leaves longer than broad, apex obtuse, not ribbed, base deeply cordate; stamens 6.
............................................. C. parnassifolia 둥근잎택사
1. Leaves shorter than broad, apex notched, ribbed, base not cordate; stamens 9-12.
................................................ C. grandis
Caldesia parnassifolia (Bassi ex Linnaeus) Parlatore, Fl. Ital. 3: 599. 1860.
泽薹草 ze tai cao
(학명 이명)
Alisma parnassifolium Bassi ex Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 3: 230. 1768; A. parnassifolium var. majus Micheli; A. reniforme D. Don; Caldesia parnassifolia var. major (Micheli) Buchenau; C. reniformis (D. Don) Makino; Echinodorus parnassifolius (Bassi ex Linnaeus) Engelmann.
Rhizomes creeping. Petiole 5-100 cm; leaf blade ovate or elliptic, 2-10 × 1.5-7 cm, veins 9-15, base cordate to deeply so, apex obtuse. Scapes erect or not, 30-125 cm high; inflorescences paniculate, 20-35 cm. Flowers 3-verticillate; pedicels 2.5-4 cm. Sepals persistent, ovate, 3.5-5 × 2-3 mm. Petals ovate, larger than sepals. Stamens 6. Carpels 5-10, laterally compressed; style 2(-4) mm, slender. Fruitlets obovoid, ca. 3 × 2 mm, with 3-5 longitudinal ribs abaxially and an erect beak. Fl. and fr. May-Oct. 2n = 22*.
Lakes, ponds, marshes. Heilongjiang, Hunan, Jiangsu, Nei Mongol, Shanxi, Yunnan, Zhejiang [India, Japan, Korea, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Thailand, Vietnam; Africa, Australia, Europe].
아래 FOC 열매 세밀화 퍼온 사진
택사 열매 보충 사진
(2020.08.21 제주도 사진)
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