
땅꽈리의 학명은 ?(사진은 퍼온 사진들임)

대효0617 2017. 10. 28. 17:45





노란꽃땅꽈리(1) (비공개)



분류 : 가지과 (Solanaceae)


우리나라에서 땅꽈리로 소개하고 있는 것은 학명이 Physalis angulata L.로 박수현의 기재문에는 화관 중심부가 흑자색으로 되어 있다. 그러나 Yahoo나 일본 야후에서 이 학명으로 검색을 해보면 화관 중심부가 흑자색이 아니라  황갈색에 가깝다.  Yahoo에서 Physalis로 검색하여 화관 중심부가 검은색인 것을 찾으니 학명  Physalis heterophylla Nees가 나온다



아래에 이 종 Physalis heterophylla Nees의 사진들과 설명을 모아 보았다

















Flower: Flower shape: 5-petals Flower shape: bell


[photo of flowers] Flowers hang down on hairy stalks that arise from a leaf axil. Flowers are about ¾ inch across, bell-shaped with 5 shallow lobes, pale yellow with dark greenish to purple-brown spots on the inside at the base of the throat, densely hairy on the outer surface. There are 5 creamy yellow stamens with yellow or purple tips. The calyx has 5 pointed lobes and is densely covered in long hairs. one plant has a few to about a dozen flowers on branching stems.


Leaves and stem: Leaf attachment: alternate Leaf type: simple


[photo of leaves] Leaves are up to 4 inches long and 3 inches wide, alternately attached, softly hairy with a few coarse teeth around the edges and a stalk averaging 1 inch long. The shape is somewhat irregular, but is generally egg-shaped with a rounded base and pointed tip. The color is often a bit yellowish green and the edges may be a little wavy. Stems are branched, weakly angled, and covered in long soft hairs.


Fruit: Fruit type: berry/drupe


[photo of fruit] Fruit is a green berry that turns yellow when ripe. The berry is covered in a papery shell shaped like an inverted tear drop that swells up as the fruit matures.




The flowers of Clammy Ground Cherry are nearly identical to those of Virginia Ground Cherry (Physalis virginiana), which is distinguished by leaves that are narrower and mostly toothless. The fruit of both species are edible when ripe. There are 2 recognized varieties of Clammy Ground Cherry: var. rowellii that is found only in Texas, and var. heterophylla found across the US, including Minnesota, and into Canada


이상 사진과 설명 














Physalis heterophylla, colloquial name clammy groundcherry, is a herbaceous plant that is a member of the Solanaceae family. It is native to North America, occurring primarily in the eastern United States and Canada. It is known to occur in all contiguous states except for Nevada and California. It is found mainly in habitats such as dry or mesic (중생의)  prairies, gravel hills and rises, sandy or rocky soils, and waste places such as roadsides.


Physalis heterophylla is a perennial, and is one of the taller-growing North American members of the genus, reaching a height up to 50 cm. The leaves are alternate, with petioles up to 1.5 cm, ovate in shape, usually cordate at the base (this is especially true of mature leaves), 611 cm long at maturity. Each member of the Physalis genus has at least one characteristic that makes it easy to differentiate in the field. For P. heterophylla, the stems and leaves are glandularly pubescent, giving it the "clammy(진득거라는)" feel from which its name is derived. The plant also has distinctive thick rhizomes that run horizontal to the stem. Some sources recognize four distinct subspecies based primarily on leaf variation:

P. heterophylla var. heterophylla, with thin leaves that have dentate margins;

P. heterophylla var. clavipes, with thick, conspicuously veined leaves and sparingly tooth-like protrusions on otherwise entire margins;

P. heterophylla var. ambigua, with thick, conspicuously veined leaves and dentate margins;

P. heterophylla var. nycangienea, with thin leaves that have sparingly tooth-like protrusions on otherwise entire margins.


The flowers are on simple inflorescences that emerge from leaf apexes. The petals are yellow on the exterior, and yellow on the interior with purple highlights emanating up each petal from the base. They are funnelform in shape, with five fused petals. There are five reticulated sepals, which enlarge after flowering to eventually protect the maturing fruit. Stamens five, with yellow anthers and purple filaments. The flowers face downwards when open, and are about 2.5 cm in diameter. The fruits are typical for the family (appearing like a tomatillo 꽈리), and have a slightly bitter taste, though they are perfectly edible. The rest of the plant is poisonous.





이상 사진과 설명












이상의 사진





땅꽈리 종류들의 학명, 국명 대조




  박수현 국생지/국표식
김진석 저
한국의 들꽃
Physalis angulata L. 땅꽈리 노란꽃땅꽈리 땅꽈리
Physalis wrightii Gray 노란꽃땅꽈리 - -
Physalis lagascae
Roem. & Schult.
- 노란꽃누운땅꽈리 노란꽃누운 땅꽈리
Physalis pubescens L. - 땅꽈리 -
Physalis minima L. - - 누운땅꽈리(애기땅꽈리)

Physalis wrightii A.Gray is a synonym of Physalis acutifolia (Miers) Sandw. 

출처 : https://www.worldfloraonline.org/search?query=Physalis+wrightii


* 박수현이 노란꽃땅꽈리의 학명으로 사용한 Physalis wrightii Gray는 WFO에 따르면 정명은 Physalis acutifolia (Miers) Sandw.이다. Physalis acutifolia 의 모습은 아래 사진과 같다










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