

대효0617 2017. 11. 5. 15:02


학명: Solanum viarum Dunal

분류: 가지과




사진 : 제주도




































왕도깨비가지 Solanum viarum Dunal Solanum aculeatissimum Jacquin과 매우 비슷한데  FOC에서는 검색표에서 다음과 같이 분류한다


1. Plants villous with mixed stellate and simple, partly glandular hairs;

    pericarp more than 1 cm thick. 

    .....................................................    Solanum viarum

1.  Plants minutely tomentose with simple, many-celled,

    mostly glandular hairs, only leaves sparsely stellate abaxially;

    pericarp less than 1 cm thick 

     .....................................................  Solanum aculeatissimum




다른 자료에서는 아래와 같이 구별한다

Solanum viarum : 가시에 털이 있다


Solanum aculeatissimum : 가시에 털이 없다


출처: https://www.cabi.org/isc/datasheet/50562











가장 신뢰할만한 검색표(세밀화도 함께 있음)는 아래와 같다






1. Seeds 4-6mm diam., prominently winged;

    branches and leaves almost glabrous to sparsely hairy;

    ripe fruit vermillion (주황색) (sometimes cultivated)

    ..............................................        S. capsicoides

1. Seeds 2-5 mm diam., not winged ;

    branches and lower leaf surface hairy;

    ripe fruit yellow

    2. Stems with acicular prickles only;

        branches with scattered simple hairs

        ........................................         S. aculeatissimum


   2. Stems prickly with compressed and recurved

       and long, straight acicular prickles;

       branches hirsute with dense, simple hairs

       3. Hairs on stem of variable lengths, 2-4mm long;

          calyx not prickly; corolla violet;

          fruit globose, usually with an apical nipple (젖꼭지) and

          several basal protuberances ;

          seeds 5mm diam. (cultivated only)

           ...................................            S. mammosum

      3. Hairs on stem of uniform lengths, up to 5mm long;

         calyx prickly; corolla white;

         fruit globose; seeds ± 2mm diam.

          .............................................. S. viarum 왕도깨비가지












검색표와 세밀화 출처: https://abcjournal.org/index.php/ABC/article/viewFile/429/370

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