
청시닥나무 겨울눈(1)

대효0617 2018. 2. 12. 11:51


청시닥나무 겨울눈(1)




청시닥나무(1)(시닥나무와 청시닥나무 비교)



학명: Acer barbinerve Maxim.

분류: 단풍나무과(Aceraceae)

학명 풀이:

barbinerve : bearded(hairy) veins


중국어명: 簇毛枫

일어명: ?


사진: 2018.02.04  태백산


















아래: 2017.12.16 오대산
























아래 : 2024.02.14 서울식물원












청시닥나무 겨울눈 정보

소지: 적갈색-적자색; 어릴때에는 털이 있지만 점차 없어진다

동아: 대생; 끝이 뾰족한 난형; 짧은 털로 덮여 있다.
정아 양쪽에 작은 부아 달린다
아린: 2개
엽흔: V자형
관속흔: 3개
수피: 회갈색- 짙은 회색으로 밋밋하다
* 시닥나무는 소지에 털이 없다








Acer barbinerve Maximowicz ex Miquel, Arch. Neerl. 2: 476. 1867.

簇毛枫 cu mao feng

(학명 이명)

Acer barbinerve var. chanbaischanense S. L. Tung; A. diabolicum Blume ex Koch subsp. barbinerve (Maximowicz ex Miquel) Wesmael.


Shrubs or small, multistemmed trees, to 7 m tall, dioecious. Bark grayish yellow or grayish brown, smooth. Young branchlets puberulent, becoming nearly glabrous and dull reddish brown in second year; bud scales 2 pairs. Leaves deciduous; petiole 4-6 cm, slender, puberulent when young, glabrescent; leaf blade suborbicular or ovate, 8-10 × 6-8 cm, membranous, abaxially hirsute-pubescent especially on veins, adaxially glabrous, primary veins 5, base cordate or subcordate, margin doubly serrate with coarse obtuse teeth, 5-lobed, rarely 7-lobed; middle and lateral lobes acuminate apically; basal lobes acute. Inflorescence racemose, lateral from leafless buds. Pedicel 1-2 cm, slender, glabrous. Staminate racemes very short, ca. 1.5 cm, 5- or 6-flowered; sepals 4, oblong, slightly ciliate along margin, ca. 5 mm; petals 4, rhombic-obovate, slightly shorter than sepals; stamens 4, ca. as long as sepals, glabrous, absent in pistillate flowers; disk 4-lobed, glabrous, intrastaminal; ovary absent or very rudimentary in staminate flowers. Pistillate racemes with slender peduncle ca. 4 cm, puberulent, usually 7-flowered; sepals oblong, ca. 4.5 mm, ciliate, with long hairs at apex; petals obovate, nearly as long as sepals, distinctly clawed; ovary glabrous; style ca. 2 mm, glabrous; stigmas revolute. Infructescence pendulous, racemose, ca. 5 cm.

Samaras 5-7; nutlets subglobose, ca. 10 × 8 mm, rugose, strongly veined; wing introrsely falcate, slightly contracted at base, including nutlet 3-3.5 cm, wings spreading obtusely. Fl. Apr, fr. Aug-Sep. 2n = 26.

Mixed and coniferous alpine forests; 500-2300 m. Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning [N Korea, E Russia].




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