

대효0617 2018. 6. 15. 11:25

활량나물(1) (LathyrusVicia의 구별)







Thermopsis속은 수술대가 유리하고, Lathyrus와 Vicia는 수술대가 기부에서 동합하여 통을 이룬다 



학명 : (구) Thermopsis lupinoides (L.) Link /(신) (FOC) Thermopsis fabacea (Pallas) Candolle

          (WFO) Thermopsis lanceolata R.Br.

분류 : 콩과(Fabaceae)


일어명: センダイハギ(先代萩)

중국어명: 野决明 


학명 풀이

Thermopsis : Like a Lupin; thermos is the Greek name for lupin(루피너스)

lupinoides  : Resembles Lupin (From the word for wolf as it was believed they robbed the soil of nutrients)



사진: 2018.06.13 모님 집 정원









아래 : 2022.09.03 광릉수목원





아래 : 2023.11.08 물향기수목원 







아래 : 2024.07.12 서천국립생태원





탁엽은 피침형 또는 난형으로 엽병 길이와 비슷하다 






















아래는 퍼온꽃 사진







퍼온 사진 출처: http://mikawanoyasou.org/data/sendaihagi.htm


Thermopsis fabacea (Pallas) Candolle, Prodr. 2: 99. 1825.

野决明 ye jue ming


Sophora fabacea Pallas; (in FOC printed volume treated as: Thermopsis lupinoides (Linnaeus) Link; Sophora lupinoides Linnaeus, see comment below).


Perennial herbs, 50-80 cm tall. Stems erect, vertically ridged, apical part white puberulent, basal part glabrescent. Stipules elliptic or ovate, 2-5 × 1.5-3 cm, equaling petiole; leaflets broadly elliptic, 3.5-8 × (2-)2.5-3.5(-4.7) cm, base cu­neate, apex obtuse or acute, terminal one rather longer, broadly lanceolate, white pubescent abaxially, glabrous adaxially. Ra­cemes terminal, 5-18(-25) cm, densely pubescent; flowers al­ternate, numerous and scattered; bracts lanceolate, 8-15 mm; pedicels 5-10 mm. Calyx ca. 10 mm, densely appressed pubes­cent. Corolla 2-2.5 cm, petals subequal. Ovary densely silky; ovules 10-14. Legume linear, 3-9(-12) × 0.5-0.8 cm, straight and tapering upward, spreading, sparsely brown hairy. Seed dark brown, reniform, compressed, 3-4 × 2-3 mm. Fl. May-Aug.


Sandy beaches and flood lands of ravines or marine areas. Hei­longjiang, Jilin [Japan, Korea, Russia (Kamchatka, Sakhalin)].


FOC Post-publication correction: Thermopsis lupinoides (Linnaeus) Link (FOC 10: 102) is now correctly named T. fabacea (Pallas) Candolle because conservation of Sophora lupinoides Linnaeus with a conserved type was not recommended by the Committee for Vascular Plants (see Brummitt, Taxon 59: 1271. 2010).


속에 대한 설명


Thermopsis R. Brown in W. T. Aiton, Hort. Kew., ed. 2. 3: 3. 1811.

野决明属 ye jue ming shu


Perennial herbs. Rhizome creeping, producing annual erect stems, basal stipules joined to form a sheath, thin and scarious, 3-fid. Leaves digitately 3-foliolate, pedicellate; stipules large, leaflike, free. Racemes leaf-opposed or terminal; bracts connate with lat­eral stipules, becoming 3(or 6)-fid, persistent; bracteoles absent. Calyx campanulate, or gibbous and baglike on proximal side, 5-toothed. Corolla yellow, rarely purple, petals clawed. Stamens 10, free. Ovules 4-22. Legume linear-oblong or ovate, straight or curved, leathery. Seed reniform or orbicular; hilum small, white.


About 25 species: C and E Asia and North America; 12 species (four endemic) in China.


The genus in China appears to be divisible into three groups. Thermopsis lupinoides and T. chinensis are upright plants with terminal inflo­rescences, apparently from a single rootstock. Thermopsis lanceolata is an upright plant with terminal inflorescences; there are numerous aerial shoots arising from a spreading rhizome. Thermopsis barbata, T. inflata, T. smithiana, and T. alpina are all precociously flowering species, in which the inflorescences arise early from the rootstock, before the main leafy shoots appear. Then, basal buds on the flowering shoot, below the inflorescence, develop into long leafy shoots completely different in appearance from the precociously flowering material.







잎 뒷면과 화서에 털이 있으나 점차 없어지고 탁엽은 난형이고 길이 3-4cm로서 끝이 둔하다. 잎은 장상으로 갈라지며 3개의 소엽으로 구성되고 소엽은 도란형 또는 타원형이며 길이 5~7cm, 나비 3-5cm로서 끝이 둔하다.


열매는 협과로 편평한 선형이며 털이 있으나 점차 없어지고 길이 8~10cm, 나비 6-7mm로서 12~15개개의 흑색 종자가 들어 있다.

꽃은 5-8월에 피고 길이 23~25mm로서 황색이며 총상화서에 달리고 포는 소화경보다 길며 좁은 난형이고 통부 길이의 1/2정도이다.




함경 남도 원산 근처의 바닷가 모래땅에 난다.


다년생 초본


높이 40~80cm




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