소수의 형태가 난형이 가까워 검은도루박이로 보고 싶지만 쉽게 결론 내릴 일이 아닌 것 같다.
분류 : 사초과
검은도루박이 학명 : Scirpus orientalis Ohwi
도루박이 학명 : Scirpus radicans Schkuhr
사진: 2018.07.06 백두산 지하산림 바깥
도루박이와 검은도루박이 검색표
1. Perianth bristles erect, retrorsely scabrous,
nearly as long as nutlet.
..................................... S. orientalis 검은도루박이
1. Perianth bristles prominently flexuose to contorted,
retrorsely scabrous only near apex,
2-4 × as long as nutlet.
..................................... S. radicans 도루박이
도루박이와 검은도루박이 세밀화 비교
도루박이 S. radicans |
검은도루박이 S. orientalis |
소수는 장타원상 난형 또는 좁은 난형 |
소수는 난형 내지 좁은 난형 |
화피 강모는 선단만 깔끔거리며 수과의 2-4배 길이이며 심하게 꼬불꼬불 하다 |
화피 강모는 전체가 깔끔거리고, 수과 길이와 거의 같은 길이미며 직립한다 |
꽃이 피지 않는 줄기는 휘어져 땅에 닿아 뿌리를 내린다 |
줄기는 휘어져 땅에 닿아 뿌리를 내리는 성향이 없다 |
출처: 세밀화는 FOC의 세밀화를 포토샵 처리하였음
Scirpus orientalis Ohwi, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 1: 76. 1932.
东方藨草 dong fang biao cao
(학명 이명)
Scirpus sylvaticus Linnaeus var. maximowiczii Regel; S. sylvaticus var. subradicans Kükenthal ex Tang.
Rhizomes short, stoloniferous. Culms 0.6-1.8 m tall, 7-12 mm thick, obtusely 3-angled, 5-7-nodose. Leaves cauline, as long as or shorter than inflorescence; leaf blade 4-15 mm wide, flat, abaxial midvein and margin usually scabrous. Involucral bracts 2-4, leaflike, much longer than inflorescence. Inflorescence a terminal large compound anthela; rays many, to 10 cm, apically scabrous. Spikelets usually solitary or in clusters of 2 or 3, dark gray, ovoid to narrowly ovoid to rarely ovoid, 4-6 × ca. 2 mm, many flowered. Glumes dark green, broadly ovate, ca. 1.5 mm, with 3 yellowish green veins, apex acute to subrounded. Perianth bristles 5 or 6, as long as or slightly longer than nutlet, erect, retrorsely scabrous. Stamens 3; anthers linear-oblong, ca. 1 mm; connective apex very short. Style slightly longer than nutlet; stigmas 3. Nutlet pale yellow, obovoid to ellipsoid, compressed 3-sided. Fl. Jun-Jul, fr. Aug. 2n = 60.
(생육지와 분포지)
Swampy places in woods, wet places; 400-2700 m. Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Xinjiang [Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Russia (Far East, Siberia)].
Scirpus radicans Schkuhr, Ann. Bot. (Usteri). 4: 48. 1793.
单穗藨草 dan sui biao cao
(학명 이명)
Nemocharis radicans (Schkuhr) Beurling; Scirpus sylvaticus Linnaeus var. radicans (Schkuhr) Willdenow; Seidlia radicans (Schkuhr) Opiz.
Rhizomes short. Culms slightly tufted, 0.7-1.5 m tall, obtusely 3-angled, 7- or 8-nodose, smooth but slightly scabrous near inflorescence. Leaves cauline, shorter than inflorescence; sheath ± long; leaf blade 7-10 mm wide, abaxial midvein and margin slightly scabrous. Involucral bracts 2 or 3, leaflike, overtopping inflorescence. Inflorescence a terminal large compound anthela, with many rays; first rays to 9 cm, glabrous. Spikelets solitary, oblong-ovoid to narrowly ovoid, 5-8 × ca. 2 mm, many flowered, apex acuminate. Glumes densely arranged, oblong, ca. 2 mm, membranous, both surfaces dark grayish black, midvein pale yellow, base sometimes straw-colored, margin apically ciliate, apex rounded. Perianth bristles 6, usually 2-4 × as long as nutlet, prominently flexuose, retrorsely scabrous only near apex. Anthers ca. 1 mm, linear-oblong. Style slightly short; stigmas 3. Nutlet pale yellow, obovoid, ca. 1 mm, compressed 3-sided. Fl. and fr. Jun-Sep. 2n = 56.
(생육지와 분포지)
In water, swampy places; 400-900 m. Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol [Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Mongolia, Russia; Europe].
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