
하늘지기(1)(하늘지기 유사 속 비교)

대효0617 2018. 9. 23. 20:30







학명 : Fimbristylis dichotoma (L.) Vahl

분류: 사초과


학명 풀이:

Fimbristylis : with a fringed styke

dichotoma ; Divided or forked in pairs



사진: 2018.09.19  연천
























아래: 2019.10.01 연천
















아래: 2019.10.01 연천









아래: 2020.08.22 제주도 흐린내생태공원


아래 것은 수과를 확인하짐 못해 단정할 수 없지만 화서가 분지하는 형태로 보아 하늘지기로 추정한다

(학명의 종소명 풀이  참조) 




아래: 2021.08.18 연천


소수는 난형-장타원형으로 5-7mm X 약 2.5mm,

인편은 갈색이고 난형-장타원형, 윤기가 있고 녹색의 중륵은 끝에서 짧은 까락으로 이어진다


수과는 갈색 자루가 있고(사진에서는 갈색이 아님),

황백색으로 성숙하며 도란형 혹은 구형 혹은 다소 거꾸로 된 마름모 모양으로 0.6-1.3mm, 

양철형, 7-9개의 격자무늬 세로줄이 있다.

암술대는 두 갈래






아래 :  2021.08.18 연천 , 위와 장소에서 약간 떨어진 곳 








하늘지기속과 유사 유형의 속  비교 (FOC)
1. Leaf blades absent;
   perianth bristles present.
   ...................         Eleocharis 바늘골속
1. Leaf blades usually present,
   if absent then style base not persistent on nutlet;
   perianth bristles absent

   2. Leaf sheath without long silky hairs at apex;
       nutlets without persistent style base. 
       (암술대는 수과 성숙 후 흔히 탈락: 국립수목원) 
       ...............          Fimbristylis 하늘지기속  
   2. Leaf sheath with long silky hairs at apex;
       nutlets with persistent style base. 
       (암술대는 수과 성숙 후에도 기부가 남는다: 국립수목원)
       .................        Bulbostylis 모기골속










아래 : 2021.10.12 철원 한탄강



아래 : 2022. 09.15 연천 작동리




아래 : 2022.09.17 동구릉










FOC 설명



Fimbristylis dichotoma (Linnaeus) Vahl, Enum. Pl. 2: 287. 1805.

两歧飘拂草 liang qi piao fu cao

Annuals or short-lived perennials. Culms tufted, 5-50(-100) cm tall, glabrous or sparsely pubescent. Leaves slightly shorter to longer than culm; sheaths leathery, margin pale brown, broad, and membranous, apex subtruncate; leaf blade linear to setaceous, pubescent or glabrescent, apex acute to obtuse. Involucral bracts 3 or 4, leaflike, usually 1 or 2 longer than inflorescence, glabrous or hairy. Inflorescence a compound or rarely simple anthela, 5-9 × 3-6 cm, lax or compact. Spikelets solitary, ovoid, ellipsoid, or oblong, 4.5-14 × ca. 2.5 mm, many flowered. Glumes brown, ovate, oblong-ovate, or oblong, 2.2-4.2 mm for fertile ones, shiny, 3-5-veined, midvein excurrent into a mucro. Stamens 1 or 2; filament short. Style longer than stamen, compressed, apically ciliate; stigmas 2. Nutlet with brown stipe, obovoid to broadly so, globose, or ± obdeltoid, 0.6-1.3 mm, biconvex, with 7-9 obvious vertical ribs, reticulation nearly transversely oblong. Fl. and fr. Jul-Oct.

(생육지와 분포)

Paddy fields, open grasslands, shallow water in marshes, farmlands, open wastelands; near sea level to 2100 m. Anhui, Chongqing, Fujian, S Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Xinjiang, Xisha Qundao, SE Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Vietnam; Africa, SW Asia, Australia, Central, North, and South America, Indian Ocean islands, Madagascar, Pacific islands].


Fimbristylis depauperata R. Brown (F. dichotoma f. depauperata (R. Brown) Ohwi; F. dichotoma subsp. depauperata (R. Brown) J. Kern) has been mistakenly treated as a form or subspecies of F. dichotoma (Tang & F. T. Wang, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 11: 90. 1961; J. Kern, Fl. Males. 7: 576. 1974), but it is a distinct species that occurs in N Australia, W Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea.


종하 분류군 검색표


1. Spikelets 4.5-8.5 mm; fertile glumes 2.2-3 mm; nutlet obovoid to broadly so, 0.6-1.2 mm, with 5-11 vertical rows of transversely oblong epidermal cells, apex rounded to obtuse.

......................... subsp. dichotoma

1. Spikelets (8-)9-14 mm; fertile glumes 3.8-4.2 mm; nutlet obovoid, globose, or ± obdeltoid, 1.2-1.3 mm, with 15-24 vertical rows of transversely oblong- rectangular epidermal cells, apex obtuse to subtruncate.

.......................... subsp. podocarpa





Fimbristylis dichotoma subsp. dichotoma

两歧飘拂草(原亚种) liang qi piao fu cao (yuan ya zhong)

(학명 이명)

Scirpus dichotomus Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1. 50. 1753; Fimbristylis annua (Allioni) Roemer & Schultes; F. dichotoma f. annua (Allioni) Ohwi; F. dichotoma var. tikushiensis (Hayata) T. Koyama; F. dichotoma f. tomentosa (Vahl) Ohwi; F. diphylla (Retzius) Vahl; F. diphylla var. annua (Allioni) C. B. Clarke; F. tikushiensis Hayata; F. tomentosa Vahl; S. annuus Allioni; S. diphyllus Retzius.


Culms (5-)15-50 cm. Leaves slightly shorter to sometimes slightly longer than culm; leaf blade linear, 1-2.5 mm wide. Inflorescence a compound or rarely simple anthela. Spikelets 4.5-8.5 mm. Fertile glumes 2.2-3 mm. Nutlet obovoid to broadly so, 0.6-1.2 mm, with 5-11 vertical rows of transversely oblong epidermal cells, apex rounded to obtuse. Fl. and fr. Jul-Oct. 2n = 10, 20.

(생육지와 분포)

Paddy fields, open grasslands, shallow water in marshes; near sea level to 2100 m. Anhui, Chongqing, Fujian, S Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Liaoning, E Nei Mongol, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Xinjiang, Xisha Qundao, SE Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Afghanistan, India, Japan, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Vietnam; Africa, SW Asia, Australia, Central, North, and South America, Indian Ocean islands, Madagascar, Pacific islands].


Within Fimbristylis dichotoma subsp. dichotoma two varieties could be recognized in China, i.e., F. dichotoma var. dichotoma and F. dichotoma var. tikushiensis. The latter can be separated by its mostly single spikelets that are 7.5-8.5 mm in contrast to var. dichotoma with spikelets clustered and 5.5-8 mm. In var. tikushiensis styles of the fruiting state are elongated exposing them beyond the glume apex, but in var. dichotoma styles at the fruiting state are still enclosed by the subtending glume. In typical subsp. dichotoma plants tend to be biennials or short-lived perennials often with a very short rhizome, whereas in var. tikushiensis plants are typically annual without a rhizome.


In NE China, Korea, and Japan another annual phase of Fimbristylis dichotoma subsp. dichotoma occurs, in which spikelets are as a rule solitary and stems and leaves tend to be hairy and softer. This annual plant has been named F. dichotoma var. tentsuki T. Koyama and if recognized as a variety has often been misidentified as F. annua (e.g., by Nakai, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 36: 20. 1922; Kükenthal, Acta Horti Gothob. 5: 109. 1930) and also misidentified as F. depauperata as mentioned above. It is quite possible that this annual plant does not constitute a real taxon but may possibly be a fruiting plant of a first-year seedling of var. dichotoma. It appears in the northern part of the geographical area of subsp. dichotoma, where it cannot survive through the winter and only occurs as an annual. In southern areas it may become biennial or a short-lived perennial developing a short rhizome and is treated as subsp. dichotoma (F. dichotoma var. floribunda Miquel). For more exhaustive treatment of the nomenclature, as well as misapplication of the various names in Asia, see T. Koyama (J. Jap. Bot 63: 86-95, t. I-III. 1988).
















