학명: Leucanthemum × superbum (Bergmans ex J.W.Ingram) D.H.Kent
학명 이명: Chrysanthemum burbankii Makino
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분류: 국화과(Compositae = Asteaceae)
영명: Shasta daisy
일어명: シャスターデージー
사진: 2018.07.05 백두산 이도백하
아래: 2021.05.24 춘천 김유정역
아래는 여러 주가 모여 있는 곳의 뿌리
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아래 : 2024.06.15 창동역
아래 것은 겹꽃 사스타데이지로 보인다
Leucanthemum × superbum (or Shasta daisy) is a commonly grown flowering herbaceous perennial plant with the classic daisy appearance of white petals (ray florets) around a yellow disc, similar to the oxeye daisy Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. but larger. Shasta daisies are characterized by a distinct odor which some find unpleasant.
It originated as a hybrid produced in 1890 by the American horticulturist Luther Burbank from a number of daisies. First, he crossed Leucanthemum vulgare with Leucanthemum maximum (Ramond) DC.; this double hybrid was itself crossed with Leucanthemum lacustre (Brot.) Samp. The resulting Leucanthemum triple hybrid was crossed with Nipponanthemum nipponicum (Franch. ex Maxim.) Kitam., creating an intergeneric cross of species from three continents. It was named after Mount Shasta, because its petals were the color of the snow. Some members of the genus are considered noxious weeds, but the Shasta daisy remains a favorite garden plant and groundcover.
Many cultivars are suitable for cut flowers, such as 'Becky', 'Esther Read', 'Silberprinzesschen' (Silver Princess), 'Snow Lady', 'Tinkerbell', 'Wirral Pride', 'Wirral Supreme'. The cultivar 'T.E. Killin' has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Me
설명 출처: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leucanthemum_%C3%97_superbum