

대효0617 2018. 11. 4. 21:43









뱀톱(1) (검색표)







학명:  Huperzia cryptomeriana (Maxim.) R. D. Dixit.

* FOC와 The Plant List에서는 위의 학명을 이명처리하고 아래 학명을 정명으로 한다 

Phlegmariurus cryptomerianus (Maximowicz) Ching ex H. S. Kung & Li Bing Zhang

분류: 석송(Lycopodiaceae)

학명 풀이:

Huperzia: Named for Johann Peter Huperz, early 19th century German botanist and fern specialist

cryptomeriana : Greek krypto (hidden) and meris (a part); all the flower parts are hidden

일어명: スギラン杉蘭

중국어명: 柳杉叶马尾杉



사진: 2018.10.09  전남  ***





















성상: 여러해살이풀, 착생

키: 30cm

줄기: 차상분지, 짧고 비스듬히 위로 서며, 길이 30cm 이상이고, 지름 3-5mm이다.

잎: 줄기에 직각으로 또는 비스듬히 밀집하여 붙고, 진한 녹색이며, 가죽질이고, 선형 또는 선상피침형이며, 길이 12-18mm, 너비 1.5-2mm이다. 중간 부위가 가장 넓고, 위쪽은 점차 좁아져 다소 뾰족해진다. 표면은 뚜렷한 중륵이 없고, 광택이 나며, 가장자리는 톱니가 없고, 약간 바깥쪽으로 뒤집어져서 굽는다

포자엽: 영양엽보다 더 작고, 피침형이며, 길이 1-1.5cm, 너비 1.5mm이다

포자낭: 가지의 윗부분의 엽액에 붙고 신장형이며, 연한 황색이다.

* 다른 종에 비해 무성아가 달리지 않으며, 다람쥐꼬리에 비해 전체적으로 대형으로 잎은 가운데가 가장 넓다

분포: 전남, 제주, 일본, 중국, 타이완

생육지: 숲속의 나무나 바위 위에서 자란다


Phlegmariurus cryptomerianus (Maximowicz) Ching ex H. S. Kung & Li Bing Zhang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 37: 51. 1999.

柳杉叶马尾杉 liu shan ye ma wei shan

(학명 이명)

Lycopodium cryptomerianum Maximowicz, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg 15: 231. 1870; Huperzia cryptomeriana (Maximowicz) R. D. Dixit; Urostachys coreanus (Herter ex Nessel) Herter; U. cryptomerianus (Maximowicz) Herter ex Nessel; U. cryptomerianus var. coreanus Herter ex Nessel.


Lycophytes, medium-sized. Stems caespitose, mature branches erect or slightly pendulous, 1-4 times dichotomously branched, 20-25 cm, stem together with leaves 2.5-3 cm wide at middle. Leaves spreading. Trophophylls sparse, lustrous, lanceolate, 1.4-2.5 cm × 1.5-2.5 mm, thinly leathery, midrib raised abaxially and distinct, base cuneate, decurrent, sessile, margin entire, apex acute. Strobili slightly thinner than sterile part, terminal on branches. Sporophylls lanceolate, 1-2 cm × ca. 1.5 mm, base cuneate, margin entire, apex acute. Sporangia yellowish, reniform, vertically bisected.

Epiphytic on tree trunks or on rocks in forests, or terrestrial; 400-800 m. Taiwan, Zhejiang [Japan, Korea, Philippines].

Phlegmariurus cryptomerianus has been widely misidentified in China as P. pulcherrimus.

This species was previously transferred from Lycopodium to Phlegmariurus in Fl. Anhui (1: 21. 1985) and Fl. Zhejiang (1: 3. 1993), but those combinations were not validly published because the basionym was not indicated (Melbourne Code, Art. 41.5).

This species is similar to Phlegmariurus mingcheensis, but the texture of its leaves is slightly thicker and its midrib is raised abaxially.








아래는 Huperzia속과  Phlegmariurus속의 구분  




1. Plants normally shorter than 25(-32) cm, terrestrial or on rocks;

   stem erect or ascending;

   strobili homomorphic with sterile branches or branchlets;

   sporophylls homomorphic with trophophylls;

   leaves papery, serrate or entire on margin;

   upper portion of stem and branchlets often with bulbils(무성아);

   spore sides at equator concave with truncate angles. 

  ........................................................           Huperzia

1.  Plants up to 100 cm tall, epiphytic;

    stem pendulous or ascending;

    strobili abruptly becoming much smaller than sterile branches or branchlets

       or rarely similar in size;

     sporophylls obviously different from or rarely almost homomorphic with trophophylls;

    leaves leathery or thinly leathery, entire on margin;

    upper portion of stem and branchlets often without bulbils;

    spore sides at equator convex with acute or blunt angles. 

    .......................................................      Phlegmariurus



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