

대효0617 2019. 11. 30. 08:36


* 2013년 장진, 박수현 등이 한국산림휴양학회에 양재금방망이와 같이 국내 미기록식물로 보고한 종이다  



학명 : Senecio inaequidens DC

분류 : 국화과


참고 ; http://blog.daum.net/daehyo/7812298


사진: 2019.10.15 파주























Herbaceous, woody (at base) short-lived perennial, up to 100 cm tall, arising from a shallow taproot. Stems are erect, ±glabrous, often much branched from the base. Leaves alternate, bright green, usually clasping stem at the base (occasionally petiolate), becoming reduced in size from the base, very variable, up to 10 cm long and 1 cm wide (usually much narrower). Cauline leaves mostly linear-lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, apex acute, margins denticulate to coarsely and irregularly toothed (occasionally pinnately lobed), tapering to a narrow petiole-like amplexicaule base, sometimes auriculate. Upper leaves occasionally pinnately lobed, shortly petiolate, subsessile or sessile. Leaves differ in the degree of dissection and width of the lobes. Inflorescence an open, terminal or axillary, corymbose panicle. Capitula up to 25 mm diameter, radiate, involucral bracts lanceolate (ca. 20), acute, ±glabrous, keeled, (4-)5(-7) mm long, resinous; calyculus bracts few, acute, ±glabrous, dark-tipped. Ray florets (7-)13, female, ligule bright yellow, becoming revolute. Disc florets numerous, perfect, tube bright yellow, lobes with a median resinous line. Achenes 2-2.5 mm long, cylindrical, pubescent between ribs. Pappus white, 2- to 3-times as long as achenes, readily detached. Description based on Hilliard (1977).











아래는 종자 퍼온 사진








Canadian Food Inspection Agency












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