선인장과 다육식물

Rhipsalis baccifera(겨우살이선인장)

대효0617 2020. 3. 27. 09:30


Rhipsalis baccifera(겨우살이선인장)





학명 : Rhipsalis baccifera (J.S.Muell.) Stearn

학명 이명: Rhipsalis quellebambensis

분류 : 선인장과(Cactaceae)

학명 풀이ㅣ


Rhipsalis : From the Greek rhips (wicker-work 버드나무 가지로 만든 바구니 등, plaiting) referring to the pliable(유연한) branches

baccifera  : bearing berries


국내 유통명: 겨우살이선인장/립살리스 화이트볼

영명 : mistletoe cactus

원산지 : 중남미


사진: 2020.03.25 남양주 별내면 어느 식당 앞








아래 : 2022.03.10 물향기수목원





아래 : 2023.01.26 물향기수목원
















영어 위키 설명



Rhipsalis baccifera, commonly known as the mistletoe cactus, is an epiphytic cactus which originates from Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Florida. It is also found throughout the tropics of Africa and into Sri Lanka where its known in Sinhala as nawahandi (නවහන්දි).[1] This is the only cactus species naturally occurring outside the New World. one hypothesis is that it was introduced to the Old World by migratory birds, long enough ago for the Old World populations to be regarded as distinct subspecies.[2] An alternative hypothesis holds that the species initially crossed the Atlantic Ocean on European ships trading between South America and Africa, after which birds may have spread it more widely.[3]




The species shows considerable polymorphism and can be divided into numerous subspecies. Mesoamerican specimens are usually tetraploid and South American specimens are diploid. The genera currently assigned to the tribe Rhipsalideae (which include Hatiora, Lepismium, and Schlumbergera in addition to Rhipsalis) were subject to considerable confusion and disagreement prior to the clarification by Wilhelm Barthlott and Nigel Taylor in 1995.[4]



출처 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhipsalis_baccifera


* 영어 위키에는 줄기에 털이 있는 사진이 보이는데 줄기의 털 유무에 대한 언급은 되어 있지 않다. 이 종에는 아종이 여러 개 있다고 하니 털이 없는 것도, 있는 것도 그런 세부 특징들이 나타난 것으로 보아야하지 않을까?  


아래는 퍼온 사진













출처: https://worldofsucculents.com/rhipsalis-baccifera-mistletoe-cactus/#prettyPhoto[gal_2]/0/


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