
Bauhinia purpurea

대효0617 2021. 4. 11. 20:41


학명 : Bauhinia purpurea Linnaeus

분류 : Fabaceae

영명 : orchid tree, purple bauhinia, camel's foot, butterfly tree, Hawaiian orchid tree.


사진: 2021.04.07 서울수목원




아래 : 2022.0723      서울식물원





Bauhinia 속  FOC 종 검색표 일부


1. Fertile stamens 10; petals white; leaf blade ovate-cordate to cordate

   2. Leaf blade 3-7 × 4-8 cm, papery, abaxially tomentose.

      ....................... B. tomentosa

  2. Leaf blade 6-11(-16) × 8-12.5 cm, subleathery, abaxially pubescent

     3. Young shoots glabrous;

        leaf bifid to 1/3-2/5;

        legume sharply ridged near suture.

        .................. B. acuminata

    3. Young shoots brownish pubescent or hirsute;

       leaf bifid to 1/4;

      legume not ridged near suture.

      ................ B. hirsuta

1. Fertile stamens 3 or 5;

   petals pink, purple, or white with pink spots, occasionally all white;

   leaf blade orbicular, suborbicular, or broadly ovate

   4. Fertile stamens 3, staminodes 5 or 6;

      leaf bifid to 1/3-1/2,

      lobes slightly acute or rarely rounded at apex.

      ............................ B. purpurea

  4. Fertile stamens 5, staminodes 1-5, sometimes absent;

     leaf bilobed to 1/4-1/3,

     lobes rounded or narrowly rounded

    ............... 이하 생략






FOC 설명


Bauhinia purpurea Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 375. 1753.

羊蹄甲 yang ti jia


Trees or erect shrubs, 7-10 m tall. Bark grayish to dark brownish, thick, smooth; branches puberulent when young, later glabrous. Petiole 3-4 cm; leaf blade suborbicular, 10-15 × 9-14 cm, stiffly papery, abaxially almost glabrous, adaxially glabrous, primary veins 9-11, secondary and higher order veins protruding, base shallowly cordate, apex bifid to 1/3-1/2, lobes slightly acute or rarely rounded at apex. Inflorescence a raceme with few flowers, or a panicle with up to 20 flowers, axillary or terminal. Flower buds fusiform, 4- or 5-ridged, with an obtuse apex. Pedicel 7-12 mm. Calyx open as a spathe into 2 lobes, one with 2 teeth and other 3-toothed. Petals light pink, oblan­ceolate, 4-5 cm, clawed. Fertile stamens 3; filaments ca. as long as petals. Staminodes 5 or 6, 6-10 mm. Ovary stalked, velvety; style curved; stigma slightly enlarged, peltate. Legume linear, flat, 12-25 × 2-2.5 cm; valves woody. Seeds compressed, sub­orbicular, 12-15 mm in diam. Fl. Sep-Nov, fr. next Feb-Mar. 2n = 28.

(생육지와 분포)

Widely cultivated as ornamental trees. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Taiwan, Yunnan [probably only native from Nepal through continental monsoon Asia (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thai­land, Vietnam)].





퍼온꽃 사진



사진 출처 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bauhinia_purpurea



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