
엘레강스(실달개비 Gibasis geniculata) (1)

대효0617 2021. 5. 1. 10:46


엘레강스(실달개비 Gibasis geniculata) (3)


엘레강스(실달개비 Gibasis geniculata) (2)


엘레강스(실달개비 Gibasis geniculata) (1)



학명 : Gibasis geniculata (Jacq.) Rohweder

분류 : Commelinaceae

학명 풀이 :

Gibasis : From the Latin gibbus (swollen) and the Greek basis (base), referring to the swollen base of the sepal

geniculata : bent sharply

중국어명 : 新娘草

영어명 : Tahitian bridal veil

국내 유통명 : 엘레강스, 실달개비



사진 : 2021.04. 27 도봉구 모 교회 잎 화단




영어 위키 설명


Gibasis geniculata, also known as Tahitian bridal veil (bridal veil은 면사포), is a trailing plant in the family Commelinaceae that is native to the West Indies, southwest Texas, Argentina and Mexico.



A creeping plant growing to 20cm or 50cm, it features thin stems and narrow green leaves that have a purple underside. Small and showy white flowers would appear in abundance over the plant in most part of the year.



Commonly grown as an ornamental plant in hanging baskets and as a groundcover, it flourishes in warmth and humidity, but it must be protected from direct sunshine and severe frost. It can readily root from cuttings.







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