

대효0617 2021. 7. 27. 16:09



거북꼬리 종류 신 검색표



2021년 한국식물분류학회지 제51권 2호 논문에 따리 풀거북꼬리로 올렸던 것을 톱거북꼬리로 수정하여 올린다


학명: Boehmeria gracilis C. H. Wright

분류 : Urticaceae



사진 : 2012.10.14 





















아래는 잎 윗면과 뒷면의 확대 사진이다






윗면에는 털이 없다









아래 : 2024.04.26   









Boehmereia gracilis C. H. Wriht



Boehmeria gracilis C. H. Wright, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 26: 485, 1899.TYPE: China. Hubei, Patung, Ichang, May 1888, A. Henry 4692 (lectotype: K, photo!, designated here, see Fig. 1A); Hubei, 18851888, A. Henry 4692 (syntype: GH, photo!); Hubei, Patung, Ichang, May 1888, A. Henry 4728 (syntype: K, photo!); Hubei, Changlo, Mar 1889, A. Henry 6258 (syntype: K, photo!).


Korean name: Top-geo-buk-kko-ri (톱거북꼬리, new common name).

Habits subshrub, monoecious or dioecious. Stems erect, 0.51.3 m tall, 1.53.2 mm in diam., a few branched from the base, red or green, sparsely strigillose or subglabrous. Leaves opposite, pairs subequal in size; stipules lanceolate, 7.212.6 mm long, 1.92.9 mm wide, yellow green, sparsely pubescent along midvein on abaxial surface; petioles 1.19.0 cm long, 0.61.9 mm in diam., red or green, sparsely strigillose or subglabrous; middle leaf blades elliptic, broadly elliptic, ovate or broadly depressed ovate, 3.813.7 cm long, 3.310.6 cm wide, base cuneate, broadly cuneate or subtruncate, margin serrulate-dentate, gradually subequal distally, teeth 715 on each side, narrowly triangular to triangular, 4.36.6 mm long, 5.69.3 mm wide, apex unlobed, short caudate or cuspidate, adaxial surface green, sparsely strigillose, densely cystoliths punctiform, midvein convex, abaxial surface yellow green, sparsely strigillose with uncinate hair or subglabrous along veins and veinlets, often thin membranous or chartaceous. Inflorescences axillary; staminate inflorescences unbranched or branched in proximal axils, 15.517.2 cm long, rachis 1.01.3 mm in diam.; pistillate inflorescences unbranched in distal axils, 7.718.1 cm long, rachis 0.30.5 mm in diam., loosely glomerules at flowering, relatively densely glomerules at fruiting. Flowers unisexual; male flowers 4-merous, rarely 3- or 5-merous, 3.14.9 mm in diam.; pedicels 0.21.2 mm long, red or green; perianth lobes cleft near to the middle, convex, elliptic, 0.91.2 mm long, 1.01.2 mm wide, red or yellow green, strigillose in outside; filaments 4, rarely 3 or 5, linear, inflexed, 3.14.9 mm long, white; anthers basifixed, 0.81.2 mm long, 0.81.2 mm wide, white; ovaries rudimentary, clavate; female flowers 3.64.0 mm long, sessile; perianth tubes obovoid, 1.01.4 mm long, 0.71.6 mm wide, red or yellow green, strigillose with uncinate hair; necks 2-toothed; styles 1, linear, plumose, 1.93.3 mm long, red or white; stamens absent. Achenes rhomboid or obovoid, compressed, 1.43.5 mm long, 0.92.8 mm wide, base cuneate, irregular strigillose with uncinate hair throughout the surface. Seeds subcircular, 0.71.3 mm long, 0.61.0 mm wide; wings rhomboid, obovoid or broadly obovoid, 1.21.4 mm long, 1.01.1 mm wide.

Chromosome number: 2n = 28 (Yahara, 1983).

Phenology: Flowering July to September, Fruiting September to November.

Distribution: Korea (all provinces except Jejudo and Ulleungdo Islands), China, Japan.

Taxonomic note: This taxon has slight similarity to B. spicata but was announced as a new species due to the ovate shape of the leaf and the regular, serrate margin of the leaf by C. H. Wright (Forbes and Hemsley, 1899). Later, Tateishi (2006) and Wang (2016) treated B. tricuspis var. unicuspis as a synonym of B. gracilis. Chen et al. (2003) and Wilmot-Dear and Friis (2013) considered B. gracilis and B. tricuspis var. unicuspis as continuous variations of B. spicata (Jom-kkae-ip-na-mu). Therefore, B. gracilis, B. spicata, and B. tricuspis var. unicuspis are often confused with each other. However, Yahara (1983, 1986) and Wang (1981, 2016) recognized B. gracilis as an independent species because it is distinguished from B. spicata by the habit, shape, size, margin, and hair of the leaf, as well as the rachis hair of the inflorescence.

Meanwhile, Makino (1940) first published B. tricuspis var. unicuspis based on the red petiole, red inflorescence, and caudate or non-caudate apex of the leaf. In the description, it is written as ‘Marubaakaso’ in Japanese, which means a form of B. tricuspis with a round shape of the leaf. Subsequently, Makino (1989) recognized B. gracilis with the Japanese name ‘Kusakoakaso.’ In the literature, B. tricuspis var. unicuspis was omitted and B. tricuspis was renamed B. silvestrii, but the description and the illustrated image of B. silvestrii were identical to B. tricuspis described by Makino (1940). Therefore, B. tricuspis var. unicuspis published by Makino is presumed to be B. gracilis, which often has red petioles, a red inflorescence, a round-shaped leaf, and regular teeth. Consequently, B. tricuspis var. unicuspis is treated as a taxonomic synonym in this study.

Because B. gracilis is a subshrub with middle leaves that have elliptic, broadly elliptic, ovate, or broadly depressed ovate shapes, a subequal size of the teeth and a serrulate-dentate margin of the leaf, as well as a short caudate or cuspidate apex of the leaf, it can be distinguished from B. spicata (Figs. 2, 3, and Table 2). Therefore, it is named ‘Top-geo-buk-kko-ri’ based on the subequal size of the teeth and the serrulate-dentate margin of the leaf.



2021년 한국식물학회지 제61권 2호 거붂고리 종류 관련 논문의 

톱거북꼬리와 풀거북꼬리의 엽형 비교 세밀화(중간 잎 기준)





A; 톱거북꼬리 B: 풀거북꼬리

톱거북꼬리는 엽선이 짧은 미상 또는 첨예두(cuspidate)이고 상부의 톱니는 소예거치로 크가가 대개 일정한다

풀거북꼬리는 엽선이 뚜렷한 미상이고 상부의 톱니는 위로 갈수록 커지는 예거치이다  









중국인터넷 세밀화





출처 : 톱거북꼬리 세밀화





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