거북꼬리종류 신검색표
* 2021년 한국식물분류학회지 제51권 2호에 따라 수정하여 올린다
학명: Boehmeria paraspicata (Thunb.) Thunb.
분류: 쐐기풀과(Urticaceae)
사진 : 2010.08.21 광릉수목원
웅화서는 아래쪽에 달리고 가지를 치지 않는다.
웅화는 4수성으로 꽃받침, 꽃잎, 수술이 4개다.
아래 사진은 2012.05.13 천마산에서
아래 : 2022.09.18 가평 용수동
아래 : 2021.08.06 가평 용추계곡
아래 : 2021.08.04 마차산
엽신 상부의 톱니가 비교적 일정하여 톱거북꼬리로 추정한다
아래 : 2022.08.15 고대산
암꽃은 엽액에서 나온 화지 상부에 달린다
아래 : 2022.10.04 가평 용추계곡
아래 : 2023.09.30 가평 용추계곡
아래 : 2024.09.03 가평 용수동
기타 사진 : 2022.09.18 가평 용수동
Boehmeria paraspicata Nakai, Veg. Mt. Apoi 19, 1930;
B. tricuspis (Hance) Makino var. paraspicata (Nakai) Hara,
Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 48: 812, 1934; Duretia paraspicata (Nakai)
Nakai, Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 31: 42, 1952, nom. illeg.;
B. tricuspis subsp. paraspicata (Nakai) Kitamura, Col. Ill.
Herb. Pl. Jap. 2: 340, 1961.―TYPE: Japan. Hokkaido, Prov.
Hidaka, Mt. Apoi, Aug 1928, T. Nakai s.n. (holotype: TI!, see
Fig. 1B).
B. paraspicata Nakai ex Satake, J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo,
Sect. 3, Bot. 4: 483, 1936, nom. illeg.―TYPE: Japan.
Hokkaido, Prov. Isikari, Kanayama, Aug 1916, G. Koidzumi
s.n. (holotype: TI, photo!).
B. paraspicata Nakai f. viridis Satake, J. Fac. Sci. Univ.
Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 4: 485, 1936.―Type: Japan. Honshu, Prov.
Sagami, Mt. Zinba, 19 Jul 1931, K. Hisauchi s.n. (holotype:
TI, photo!).
Korean name: Pul-geo-buk-kko-ri (풀거북꼬리).
Habits subshrub, monoecious or dioecious. Stems erect,
0.8–1.1 m tall, 1.8–4.1 mm in diam., a few branched from the
base, green or red, sparsely strigillose or subglabrous. Leaves
opposite, pairs subequal in size; stipules lanceolate, 8.2–
14.7 mm long, 1.4–3.5 mm wide, yellow green, sparsely
pubescent along midvein on abaxial surface; petioles 3.8–12.1
cm long, 0.8–1.7 mm in diam., green or red, sparsely strigillose
or subglabrous; middle leaf blades ovate to broadly ovate, 9.0–
19.1 cm long, 7.4–16.2 cm wide, base broadly cuneate, margin
serrate-dentate, gradually larger distally, teeth 6–14 on each
side, narrowly triangular to triangular, 6.4–9.9 mm long, 7.2–
10.6 mm wide, apex unlobed, caudate or narrowly acute,
adaxial surface green, sparsely strigillose, densely cystoliths
punctiform, midvein convex, abaxial surface yellow green,
sparsely strigillose with uncinate hair or subglabrous along
veins and veinlets, often thin membranous or chartaceous.
Inflorescences axillary; staminate inflorescences unbranched
or rarely branched in proximal axils, 5.9–28.5 cm long, rachis
0.2–1.1 mm in diam.; pistillate inflorescences unbranched in
distal axils, 9.4–23.7 cm long, rachis 0.3–0.9 mm in diam.,
loosely glomerules at flowering, relatively densely glomerules
at fruiting. Flowers unisexual; male flowers 4-merous, rarely
5-merous, 4.0–5.2 mm in diam.; pedicels 0.2–1.6 mm long,
green or red; perianth lobes cleft near to the middle, convex,
elliptic, 0.9–1.2 mm long, 0.9–1.1 mm wide, yellow green or
red, strigillose in outside; filaments 4, rarely 5, linear, inflexed,
1.7–2.2 mm long, white; anthers basifixed, 0.7–1.0 mm long,
0.7–0.9 mm wide, white; ovaries rudimentary, clavate; female
flowers 2.6–3.3 mm long, sessile; perianth tubes obovoid, 1.3–
1.7 mm long, 0.6–1.0 mm wide, yellow green or red, strigillose
with uncinate hair; necks 2-toothed; styles 1, linear, plumose,
0.8–2.0 mm long, white or red; stamens absent. Achenes
rhomboid or obovoid, compressed, 2.5–4.0 mm long, 2.2–
3.3 mm wide, base cuneate, irregular strigillose with uncinate
hair throughout the surface. Seeds elliptic or subcircular, 1.0–
1.7 mm long, 0.8–1.6 mm wide; wings rhomboid-obovoid or
broadly obovoid, 0.7–1.0 mm long, 0.6–0.8 mm wide.
Chromosome number: 2n = 28 (Okabe, 1963; Yahara,
Phenology: Flowering July to September, Fruiting
September to November.
Distribution: Korea (all provinces), China, Japan.
Taxonomic note: Nakai (1930) first reported a new species,
B. paraspicata Nakai. This name was accompanied by a
Japanese diagnosis without a type specimen in the flora of Mt.
Apoi in Prov. Hidaka on Hokkaido. Later, Satake (1936)
recognized B. paraspicata as a nomen nudum, and he
republished it with an accompanying Latin description and a
specimen collected from Mt. Kanayama in Prov. Isikari on
Hokkaido in August 1916 by G. Koidzumi (in TI herbarium).
Among the examined specimens, there was a specimen that
was assumed to have been collected when Nakai published B.
paraspicata. Nakai’s specimen and Koidzumi’s specimen
allowed confirmation that the characters of the habit, stem, leaf,
and inflorescence are identical. Furthermore, in 1928, before
the announcement of the new species, the specimen was
annotated as ‘B. paraspicata Nakai’. Moreover, the collection
site and the collector were in good agreement with the
protologue of Nakai (Fig. 1B). As a result, Satake (1936) knew
that there was an original material of Nakai, but he recognized
the specimen of Koidzumi collected earlier as the type
specimen. However, the specimen of Nakai has priority
because B. paraspicata is not a name based on the specimen
of Koidzumi. Thus, B. paraspicata Nakai ex Satake, published
based on the Koidzumi’s specimen, is a later homonym of B.
paraspicata Nakai according to Art. 53.1 of the Shenzhen code
(Turland et al., 2018), and B. paraspicata Nakai was validly
published according to Art. 38.1 of the Shenzhen code (Turland
et al., 2018). Therefore, we present a holotype to avoid
confusion regarding the type specimen (Fig. 1B).
This taxon is clearly distinguished from B. silvestrii by the
unlobed apex of the leaf and from B. gracilis based on the
broadly ovate shape of the middle leaf, the serrate-dentate
margin of the leaf, the gradually larger teeth distal of the leaf,
and the caudate or narrowly acute apex of the leaf (Figs. 3, 4,
and Table 2)