선인장과 다육식물


대효0617 2022. 3. 9. 14:52


학명 : Faucaria tuberculosa (Rolfe) Schwantes 황파(광파)

분류 : 석류풀과(Aizoaceae) 


Faucaria felina subs. tuberculosa (Rolfe) L.E.Groen

Mesembryanthemum tuberculosum Rolfe

중국어명 : 荒波


See all synonyms of Faucaria felina

영어명 : :

Shark's Jaws, Knobby Tiger Jaws, Tiger Jaws, Pebbled Tiger Jaws



사진 : 2022.03.06 한택식물원





아래 : 2023.02.25 서울대공원



아래 것은 미파로 소개되어 있지만 역시 황파(광파)로 본다









Faucaria tigrina (Haw.) Schwantes 사해파, Faucaria tuberculosa (Rolfe) Schwantes 광파(황파),

Faucaria bosscheana (A.Berger) Schwantes 미파의 구별

사해파 :  잎 주변의 가시가 길고 표면에 돌기는 거의 없다

광파(황파) : 잎 주변의 가시가 길고 표면에  뚜렷한 돌기가 많다

미파 :  잎 주변의 가시도 없고 표면에 돌기도 없다

* 광파(황파) 중에서 잎이 보랏빛인 것을 노도광파라 하는 모양이다







광파(황파)에 대한 설명 

Origin and Habitat: South Africa (Cape Province: Bedford)


Description: Faucaria tuberculosa is a low growing clump-forming, perennial succulent, it is one of the easiest species to identify, since it is the only one with white tubercles on the top of the leaves.

Leaves: In opposite pairs, all pairs growing at right angles to the next adjacent, usually with 2 to 4 pairs to a branch, they are up to 2,5 cm long, by 2 cm wide, dark green thick ovate-triangular in the top view, scattered in white rough tubercles over the upper surface and edged with soft white structures that look like teeth.

Flowers: Large, daisy-like, yellow (sometime red tipped), 4 cm in diameter and may have up to 200 petals. They need full sun to open fully and often don't open at all if the weather is cloudy, or if they are in the shade.

Blooming time: Flowers will usually come out in the autumn (October or November) and bloom for several months (also in winter and spring if the growing conditions are adequate). The flowers open around midday and close in the late afternoon.

Fruits: The fruit is a short, bell-shaped, compartmented (loculicidal), valve-closed capsule, about 10mm in diameter, which opens and closes with changes in the moisture content of the air (hygrochastic) to allow release of the numerous seeds. Note, however, that compartmentation allows a few seeds to remain each time seeds are allowed to escape. This arrangement is a very beneficial one, in a harsh habitat, for it allows something like periodical release of seed during wet times and protection of reserves during dry seasons. As well, reserves are kept available to replace earlier releases which may not survive their vulnerable, early germination period.





참고 : 사해파, 미파에 대한 설명  자료

Faucaria tigrina (Haw.) Schwantes 사해파(四海波)

Origin and Habitat: Faucaria tigrina is narrow endemic at the edge of Grahamstown, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Extent of occurrence less than 200 km², four known locations remain after many subpopulations declined due to urban expansion around Grahamstown. Subpopulations are small, fragmented and continue to decline.

Altitude range: 550 - 920 metres above sea level.

Habitat and ecology: This species grows in mountain renosterveld in Albany Thicket, Savanna on open sandstone patches in a dark clayish soil with a low pH (pH 4.7-5.7). The many white-coloured flecks on the often reddish leaves resemble the lichens and reddish rocks in its natural surroundings. Rainfall around 680 mm per annum (Grahamstown). This species continues to decline because of cultivation, overgrazing and urbanisation.







Faucaria bosscheana (A.Berger) Schwantes 미파


Origin and Habitat: South Africa (Cape province)




Faucaria bosscheana (A.Berger) Schwantes

Mesembryanthemum bosscheanum A.Berger

See all synonyms of Faucaria bosscheana


Common Names include:

ENGLISH: Tiger-Jaws


Description: Faucaria bosscheana is somewhat different from the other members of this genus as it has smaller, narrower, unmarked leaves with only 1 to 3 pairs of teeth. This species is quite variable and the shape of the leaves varies slightly in plant from different provenance. As with many other Faucaria species, several varieties have been described on the basis of variation of the leaves, the status of these uncertain.

Leaves: Glossy green, canoe-shaped in outline (broadly rhomboid or lanceolate ) about 3-4 cm long, 0,5-10 mm wide, the margins are horny-white and armed with 2-3 long teeth. Tubercles absent from upper leaf-surface.

Flowers: Large yellow. It often flowers when two years old.



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