

대효0617 2022. 4. 4. 10:56










학명: Helleborus orientalis Lamarck

분류: 미나리아아재비과(Ranunculaceae)

영명: lenten rose (사순절 장미)


사진 : 2022.04.03  푸른수목원





사순절정미는 꽃이 아래를 향하거나 옆을 향하고

크리스마스로즈는꽃이 위를 향하던가 옆을 향한다

사순절장미는 거치가 조밀하고

크리스마스로즈는 거치가 좀 성글게 있다 





아래 : 2023.04.09 한택식물원








아래 : 2024.02.06 한택식물원






아래 : 2024.04.14 


수목원에서는 크리스마스로즈로 잘못 소개하고 있다












Wikipedia 설명:


The subtly spectacular Lenten rose is a herbaceous perennial garden plant that is evergreen in warmer climates and much admired for this trait. Like other members of the Helleborus genus, the Lenten rose blooms in winter, sometimes even pushing through a blanket of snow. The distinctive foliage is dark green and leathery and is one of the plant's most appealing features. The large compound leaves are up to 18 in (46 cm) long and 16 in (41 cm) wide. Each is composed of from 5 to 11 lance-shaped leaflets with sawtooth edges. This plant grows slowly to form a neatly rounded mound up to 16-20 in (41-51 cm) high that is punctuated in winter or early spring by fresh new foliage and attractive flowers. The shy flowers resemble single roses and nod their pretty faces toward the ground. The 2-3 in (5-8cm) blossoms are held above the foliage in loose clusters and are white or greenish white, often have a pink or purplish blush. There are pink, rose and purple varieties as well as white with solid splotches of color with this species being a parent of many beautiful hybrids.




[설명 추가:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hellebore


The flowers have five "petals" (actually sepals) surrounding a ring of small, cup-like nectaries (petals modified to hold nectar). The sepals do not fall as petals would, but remain on the plant, sometimes for many months.]






Helleborus orientalis is native to areas of Eurasia including Greece, Turkey and the Caucasus region.










아래는 크리스마스로즈(Helleborus niger)의 퍼온 사진


예거치로 거치 간격이 성글다




사진 출처: 

Schneerose – Wikipedia

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