Allamanda cathartica
Allamanda schottii
학명 : Allamanda cathartica L.
분류 : 협죽도과(Apocynaceae)

Allamanda cathartica Linnaeus, Mant. Pl. 2: 214. 1771.
软枝黄蝉 ruan zhi huang chan
Allamanda hendersonii Bulliard ex Dombrain; A. cathartica var. hendersonii (Bulliard ex Dombrain) L. H. Bailey & Raffill.
Shrubs trailing, to 4 m, with white latex. Stems glabrous. Leaves opposite or in whorls of 3-5; petiole ca. 5 mm; leaf blade obovate, narrowly obovate, or oblong, 6-15 X 4-5 cm, glabrous or villous along veins on abaxial surface, lateral veins flattened. Peduncle short. Flowers 7-14 cm. Corolla yellow; tube 4-8 cm, funnelform, cylindric in proximal half, campanulate in distal half, limb 9-14 cm in diam.; lobes obovate-truncate to orbicular. Capsules subglobose, 3-7 X 3-5 cm, with spines to 1 cm. Seeds compressed, winged or with a membranous margin. Fl. spring-summer. 2n = 18.
Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Taiwan [native to South America]
Cultivated for medicine.
1. Erect shrubs with clear sap; lateral veins elevated on abaxial leaf surface;
corolla tube ca. 3 cm, distinctly swollen at base
............................................ Allamanda schottii
1.Climbing shrubs with white latex; lateral veins flattened on abaxial leaf surface;
corolla tube 4-8 cm, not swollen at base
......................................... Allamanda cathartica
Allamanda schottii와 Allamanda cathartica의 비교 사진 및 차이 설명
1) Allamanda schottii
화관 통부는 길이 3cm이고 통부의 기부가 뚜렷하게 부푼다.
잎 뒷면 엽맥은 융기한다.
수액은 투명하다
2) Allamanda cathartica
직립성이 아니다.
화관 통부는 4-8cm로 통부 기부는 부풀지 않는다.
잎 뒷면의 맥은 융기하지 않는다
수액은 백색 유액이다
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