

대효0617 2022. 11. 9. 21:47

꽃장포 (장포속 검색표1)




울릉꽃장포 (꽃장포속 검색표 2)






2020년 식물분류학회지 제 50권 3호에  조혜련 등에 의해 신종으로 발표된 것이다


학명 :Torfieldia ulleunensis  H. Jo.

분류 : (구) Liliaceae /(신)꽃장포과(Torfieldiaceae)


사진 : 2022.10.200 광릉수목원




아래는 위 논문에  실려 있는 자료들이다 


종에 대한 기재


Herbs perennial, 10-17cm tall, with short ascending rhizome,. Leaves basal or nealy so, 2-ranked, flattened, 7-15cm X 5-7mm, rather rigid, margain scabrous, apex acuminate, 3-5 inconspicuous veins, tip slightly bent,. Scape oblique, slender , 12-15cm long, with 1 or 2 linear leaves  in the proxilal part, Raceme ca. 3-5cm  X 8-13mm , densely many-flowered.  Flowers bisexul, arising from axils of bracts, ascening or nearly so; bracts lanceolate ; pedicel  2-3mm long at anthesis; bracteole 1, cupular, apically  2- or  3-lobed. Tepals 6, white, narrowly oblanceolate-oblong, 3-3.5mm X ca. 0.7-1mm; Stamens 6, nearly equaling  tepal length; filaments  2.5-3mm long; anthers ca. 0.7mm long, light brown to brown. Ovary superior, ca. 1.5-2mm long, oblong-ovoid, white; ; styles 3, revolute, ca. 0.5-0.7mm, nearly as long as anthers; stigma white. Capsule suberect, ca. 4mm X 3-4mm, obvoid-ellipsoid; carpels 2-3.5mm X 2-2.5mm, with persistent styles 0.5-1mm long and stigmas scarcely thickened . Seeds crescent-shaped, ca. 1-1.2mm X 0.2-0.3mm, without a white longitudinal band on eiter side.

분포 : 울릉도 






Tofieldia yoshiiana Makino var. koreana (Ohwi) M.N.Tamura, Fuse & N.S.Lee


Tofieldia coccinea Richardson


Tofieldia coccinea Richardson var. fauriei (H.Lév. & Vaniot) T.Yamaz.





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