

대효0617 2023. 1. 1. 18:15






학명 : Strelitzia reginae Banks

분류: 극락조화과(Strelitziaceae) 극락조화속(Strelitzia)


* 종전에는 파초과(Musaceae)으로 분류되었으나 근래(APG II system, 2003)에 독립된 과로 설정되었다. (참고: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strelitziaceae)


영명: Bird of Paradise or Crane Flower

학명 풀이:

Strelitzia : Named for Charlotte of Mecklenberg-Strelitz, Queen to George 3rd

reginae: 왕비의


원산지 : 남아프리카


이름의 유래:


뉴기니아와 오스트레일리아에 서식하는 새인 극락조가 있는데 그 새를 닮아서 극락조화라고 불리게 되었다.

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엽맥이 다소 경사져 있다


[아래 부채파초(여인초) 엽맥과 비교]




엽맥은 거의 90도







국표식에 3종이 등재되어 있다


재배식물 정명 Strelitzia reginae Banks 극락조화 2011/12/08

재배식물 정명 Strelitzia nicolai Regel & K.Koch 니콜라이극락조화 2018/07/23

재배식물 정명 Strelitzia juncea Link 원주극락조화


위키 설명

Strelitzia reginae, commonly known as the crane flower, bird of paradise, or isigude in Nguni,[3] is a species of flowering plant indigenous to South Africa. An evergreen perennial, it is widely cultivated for its dramatic flowers. In temperate areas it is a popular houseplant.



Joseph Banks described the species in 1788.[2] The specific epithet reginae means “of the queen”, and commemorates the British queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, wife of George III.[3] Common names such as “crane flower” and “bird of paradise” reference the open flower’s resemblance to the head and beak of a colourful exotic bird.[4]


A new subspecies was discovered growing alongside the Mzimvubu River in South Africa’s Eastern Cape in 2002.[5] When wild-collected plants began to flower in the greenhouse at Kirstenbosch, they were noted to have white, rather than the typical blue inner petals. They also had a shorter stigma (1015 millimetres (38916 in) vs. 30 millimetres (1+316 in)) and subtle differences of the leaves. The new subspecies is called Strelitzia reginae subsp. mzimvubuensis.[6]


Genetic analysis reveals Strelitzia juncea has been shown to be genetically nested within S. reginae. It is possibly a mutation that is in the process of speciating.[7]



The plant grows to 2 m (6+12 ft) tall, with large, strong leaves 2570 cm (1028 in) long and 1030 cm (412 in) broad, produced on petioles up to 1 m (40 in) long. The leaves are evergreen and arranged in two ranks, making a fan-shaped crown. The flowers stand above the foliage at the tips of long stalks. The hard, beak-like sheath from which the flower emerges is termed the spathe. This is placed perpendicular to the stem, which gives it the appearance of a bird's head and beak; it makes a durable perch for holding the sunbirds which pollinate the flowers. The flowers, which emerge one at a time from the spathe, consist of three orange sepals and three purplish-blue or white petals. Two of the petals are joined together to form an arrow-like nectary. When the sunbirds sit to drink the nectar, the third petal opens to release the anther and cover their feet in pollen.[8]


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