
인도대추야자(Phoenix sylvestris) (2)

대효0617 2023. 2. 10. 11:32


학명 : Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb.

분류 : Arecaceae

Common Nmaes: silver date palm, Indian date,


국내 유통명 : 인도대추야자


수피아식물원 소개 국명 : 중동야자(분포지로 보아 적당한 국영이 아니다)


사진 : 2023.02.05 부천수피아식물원




Phoenix canariensis와 비슷해보이나 Phoenix canariensis는 소엽이 평면적으로 배열되는데 대하여

Phoenix sylvestris는 소엽이 여러 방향으로 배열된다



잎 기부의 날카로운 가시는 Phoenix속의 공통특징이다



아래 : 2023.03.09 부천수피아식물원








설명 1) Wikipedia

Phoenix sylvestris (sylvestris - Latin, of the forest) also known as silver date palm, Indian date, sugar date palm or wild date palm,[2] is a species of flowering plant in the palm family native to southern Pakistan, most of India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar and Bangladesh. It is also reportedly naturalized in Mauritius, the Chagos Archipelago, Puerto Rico and the Leeward Islands.[1] Growing in plains and scrubland up to 1300 m above sea level, the fruit from this palm species is used to make wine and jelly. The sap is tapped and drunk fresh or fermented into toddy. The fresh sap is boiled to make palm jaggery in West Bengal state of India and Bangladesh.



Phoenix sylvestris ranges from 4 to 15 m in height and 40 cm in diameter; not as large as the Canary Island Date Palm, but nearly so, and resembling it. The leaves are 3 m long, gently recurved, on 1 m petioles with acanthophylls near the base. The leaf crown grows to 10 m wide and 7.5 to 10 m tall containing up to 100 leaves. The inflorescence grows to 1 metre with white, unisexual flowers forming to a large, pendent infructescence. The single-seeded fruit ripens to a purple-red colour.[3]





설명 2) Palmpedia


This palm is native to India and southern portions of Pakistan. In both countries, it occurs in areas where there is sparse vegetation mainly composed of scrub species and along flat lands where monsoons occur. Though slow growing, it can reach heights of up to 50 feet and grows well in areas of the United States where temperatures do not fall below 15°F. Leaves are pinnately compound and blue-green, and they can grow to 10 feet in length. Leaflets can reach approximately 18 inches long and grow opposite to one another on the rachis in such a way that the entire leaf looks flat. The petiole, or stem that attaches the leaf to the trunk, is 3 feet long and armed with spines. Young trunks bear triangular shaped leaf scars (the place where leaves once attached to the trunk) that become more diamond-shaped with age. On older trees, aerial roots tend to be present at the base of the trunk. Yellow inflorescences can reach lengths of 3 feet, are heavily branched, bear small white blossoms, and grow among the leaves. The oblong fruits are 1 inch long and occur in orange clusters, turning dark red to purple when mature. (edis.ifas.ufl.edu)




아래는 소엽의 배열 모습 사진(퍼온 사진)









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