나비꽃 우간덴스
학명 : Rotheca myricoides (Hochst.) Steane & Mabb.
Family: Lamiaceae
Common Name : butterfly bush
국내 유통명 : 나비꽃; 나비수국
사진 : 2023.02.25 서울대공원
아래 종은 꽃 색깔이 짙은 푸른 색이어 원종이 아닌 품종 Ugandense(Blue Butterfly bush)로 보인다.
아래 : 2023.02.21 부천수피아식물원
아래 : 2023.03.09 부천수피아식물원
표지판에 품종 Ugandense가 표시되어 있다
원종에 대한 설명 1)
Rotheca myricoides (butterfly bush – also a name for Buddleja species) is a species of flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae.[1] It is native to Africa and widely cultivated elsewhere.[1] In cultivation, it is frequently known by one of its synonyms, such as Clerodendrum myricoides.[2]
The cultivar 'Ugandense' is an untidy evergreen shrub growing to 4 m (13 ft) tall and 2.5 m (8.2 ft) broad, with oval leaves and masses of pale blue flowers in summer and autumn. Each flower has a darker blue lower petal. With a minimum temperature of 10 °C (50 °F), this plant can only be grown under glass in temperate zones. The altitude range for this species is 900–1680 m.[3] It has won the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.[4]
Rotheca myricoides is native to mountains from Eritrea to South Africa.[5] It is native to Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Caprivi Strip, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eswatini, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, KwaZulu-Natal, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Northern Provinces, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.[5] It was introduced to Trinidad-Tobago, Australia, Brazil.[6][5]
This species may be found in rocky places, streams and edges of the evergreen forest.[7]
The Genus name, Rotheca, seemingly comes from the Malaysian words "cheriga" which means small and "thekku" which means teak.[8] The species epithet comes form a French word "myriades" which means ten thousand and a Latinization of a Greek "oides" which means to see.[8] Some say that the species epithet came about because it resembles another species in Myrica so the name refers to the leaf shape.[7]
'Ugandense' is a cultivar of this species which shows purplish-blue flowers with flashy stamens.[8] Originally named Clerodendrum myricoides 'Ugandense' but a 1998 study let to its current status as Rotheca myricoides 'Ugandense".[8]
The flowers are arranged in dichasial cymes and are sometimes arranged in short-pedunculate panicles.[5][9] The stamens and styles are long-exserted and curve upwards.[9] The corolla is asymmetrical in the bud and they have a mid-lobe dark blue or violet blue while the lateral lobes are pale blue or mauve.[5][9] The calyx is bud-shaped with a tube of 5mm long and the lobes rounded to triangular.[5]
Lots of variation in the flower colour. It can be green and blue or mauve, white and blue, or blue to mauve.[10]
위키의 원종 꽃 사진

The fruits of this species are 5-6 by 8–10 mm in dimension and are mostly deeply 4-lobed.[5]
The leaf outline is mostly ovate to rhomboid.[10] The outline can sometimes be elliptic or obovate.[10] The leaf margin is dentate or deeply lobed.[10] The indumentum of the leaves can be variable. There is often a hairy upper surface and can be sparsely to densely hairy on the lower surface. It has been described to feel velvety.[10] When the leaves are crushed, there is an unpleasant scent.[11] This may be due to the pelate hairs or pelate glands on the leaves.[11] The leaves are opposite are whorls of 3–4.[12] The petiole is 0–24 mm long.[12]
The young branches are normally angular, pale greyish-whitish and using with white lenticels. They are hairy, mostly at the growth points. The arrangement of the main branches are normally opposite. There are prominent leaf scars on the branches as well.[11] The branches can be 4-angled and brownish-red towards the apex. The lateral branches are short, leafy and flowering.[12]
Rotheca myricoides - Wikipedia
2) 품종 Ugandense에 대한 설명
Rotheca myricoides ‘Ugandense’, or Blue butterfly bush, is a low maintenance, suckering, evergreen shrub in the Lamiaceae family that is native to tropical eastern Africa (Kenya and Uganda). As its common name implies, the plant displays violet-blue flowers that resemble a butterfly in flight. This lanky shrub grows to 6 to 10 feet, but is not very vigorous and tends to have anemic green foliage. It has attractive light blue to violet-blue pea-like flowers and looks great grown in a container, though containers do best if overwintered in a sheltered location. If grown in a container, the plant will likely grow to a height of 4 feet. It grows best in frost-free climates, as it tends to freeze to the ground in zones 8-9 or when temperatures dip below 25 F, but even if it freezes, the roots can survive and rejuvenate in spring. If a compact form is desired, prune back to the ground in early spring.
The plant is easily grown in soils that are moist, well-drained, and have plenty of organic matter. It requires consistent watering and tolerates full sun to part shade, but performs best in part shade.
'Ugandense' is a cultivar originally named was Clerodendrum ugandense, which was later changed to Clerodendrum myricoides ‘Ugandense’. The current name, Rotheca myricoides ‘Ugandense’, was applied in 1998 based on the results of DNA studies.