학명: Euryops pectinatus (L.) Cass.
분류: 국화과(Compositae)
영명: Golden Euryops 또는 Golden Daisy Bush
학명 풀이:
Euryops: 그리스어 "eurys" → large and "ops" → eye, 꽃이 화려하고 큰 것을 가리킴
pectinatus: 빗살 모양의 (빗살처럼 갈라진 잎을 가리킴)
우리나라 유통명: 유럽스, 유롭스
원산지: 남아프리카

Wikipedia 설명
Euryops pectinatus, the grey-leaved euryops, is a species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae, endemic to rocky, sandstone slopes in the Western Cape of South Africa (from Gifberg to the Cape Peninsula).[1]
It is a vigorous evergreen shrub growing to 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in) tall and wide, with silvery green, hairy leaves and yellow, daisy-like composite flowers 5 cm (2 in) in diameter.[2] They bloom from early summer through to autumn and into winter in areas with mild climates.
The fruits bear a single seed and are either hairless or covered in myxogenic (slime-producing) hairs, and may also be topped by a pappus of white or brown bristles.[2]
The Latin specific epithet pectinatus means “comb-like”,[3] possibly referring to the deeply-divided, fernlike leaves.
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