
Strawberry guava(Psidium cattleyanum)

대효0617 2023. 3. 16. 06:35





브라질구아바(2) 구아바종류 비교




Strawberry guava





학명 : Psidium cattleyanum Sabine 또는  Psidium cattleianum

분류 : Myrtaceae

Common Name : strawberry guava


사진 : 2023.02.23 인천대공원










Wikipedia 설명



Psidium cattleyanum (World Plants : Psidium cattleianum),[2][3] commonly known as Cattley guava, strawberry guava or cherry guava, is a small tree (26 m tall) in the Myrtaceae (myrtle) family. The species is named in honour of English horticulturist William Cattley. Its genus name Psidium comes from the Latin psidion, or "armlet."[4] The red-fruited variety, P. cattleyanum var. cattleyanum, is commonly known as purple guava, red cattley guava, red strawberry guava and red cherry guava.[2] The yellow-fruited variety, P. cattleyanum var. littorale is variously known as yellow cattley guava, yellow strawberry guava, yellow cherry guava,[2] lemon guava and in Hawaii as waiawī. Although P. cattleyanum has select economic uses,[2][5][6] it is considered the most invasive plant in Hawaii.[7][8]



Psidium cattleyanum is a small, highly-branched tree that reaches a maximum height of 13 meters, although most individuals are between 2 and 4 m.[9] P. cattleyanum has smooth, grey to reddish-brown bark, with oval to elliptical leaves that grow to 4.5 cm in length. It bears fruit when the plants are between 3 and 6 years old. This fruit has thin skin that ranges from yellow to a dark red or purple, is ovular in shape, and grows to around 4 cm in length. Its flowers grow either individually or in clusters of three, and each flower has five petals.[9]


P. cattleyanum reproduces through setting seed and through cloning. Clonally produced suckers tend to have a greater leaf area.[10] Though native to Brazil, it is now distributed throughout many tropical regions.[6][8] It was introduced in Hawaii as early as 1825 to create an agricultural market for its fruits, but it has yet to be a commercially viable product. It is now highly prevalent in tropical rain forest ecosystems due mainly to accidental transportation and its invasive plant properties.[6][11]


P. cattleyanum has modest economic impacts in Hawaii due to its edible fruits and beads that are made by tying individual fruits together.[2][12] However, products made from P. cattleyanum are not commercially available because of a lack of market and the heavy presence of fruit flies. This renders the fruits inedible soon after they are picked.[12] It’s seeds have many health benefits, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties in addition to a high amount of Vitamin C.[9][13]




퍼온 세밀화







Hortus Camdenensis | Psidium cattleyanum Wienw.

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