
레인보우 유칼립투스

대효0617 2023. 3. 28. 04:50


학명 : Eucalyptus deglupta Blume

분류 : Myrtaceae 

학명 풀이 

Eucalyptus : From the Greek eu- (good) and kaluptos, (covered)

deglupta : From the Latin degluptere, to peel or peeling skin, referring to the way the bark peels from the trunk; "peeled off, husked or shelled"

Common Names :  rainbow eucalyptus, rainbow gum


사진 : 2023.03.21 물향기수목원









아래 : 2023.01.26 물향기수목원











Wikipedia 설명


Eucalyptus deglupta is a species of tall tree, commonly known as the rainbow eucalyptus,[2] Mindanao gum, or rainbow gum[3] that is native to the Philippines, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. It is the only Eucalyptus species that usually lives in rainforest, with a natural range that extends into the northern hemisphere. It is characterized by multi-colored bark.



Eucalyptus deglupta is a fast-growing tree that typically reaches a height of 6075 m (197246 ft) with the trunk up to 240 cm (94 in) in diameter and with buttresses up to 4 m (13 ft) high. It has smooth, orange-tinted bark that sheds in strips, revealing streaks of pale green, red, orange, grey, and purplish brown. The branchlets are roughly square in cross section, often with narrow wings on the corners. The leaves are arranged in opposite pairs, mostly 75150 mm (36 in) long and 5075 mm (23 in) wide on a short petiole. The flower buds are arranged in a branching inflorescence in leaf axils, or on the end of branchlets, each branch with groups of seven buds, the individual buds on a pedicel about 5 mm (316 in) long. Mature buds are pale green or cream-colored, roughly spherical in shape and 25 mm (116316 in) in diameter with a hemispherical operculum with a small point on the top. Flowering time depends on location, and the stamens that give the flowers their colour are white and pale yellow. The fruit is a woody, brown, hemispherical capsule about 35 mm (18316 in) long and wide, with three or four valves extending beyond the rim of the fruit. Each cell of the fruit contains between three and twelve minute brown seeds, each with a small wing.[4][5]



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