
Ziziphus oenopolia

대효0617 2023. 3. 29. 08:59


학명 : Ziziphus oenopolia (L.) Mill.

분류 : 갈매나무과(Rhamnaceae)

학명 풀이

Ziziphus : An ancient Greek name derived from the Persian word zizafun

oenopolia : ?

* 그리스어 oinos (wine)




사진 : 2023.03.19 푸른수목원


아래 표찰의 학명 표기가 잘못되어 있다. 







Wikipedia 설명

Ziziphus oenopolia, commonly known as the jackal jujube, small-fruited jujube or wild jujube, is a flowering plant with a broad distribution through tropical and subtropical Asia and Australasia. In India, it is mostly found in the deciduous forests of the southern part of the country.



It is a spreading, sometimes climbing, thorny shrub growing to 1.5 m in height. The leaves are simple, alternate, ovate-lanceolate, acute and oblique. The flowers are green, in subsessile axillary cymes. The fruit is a globose drupe, black and shiny when ripe, containing a single seed.[2]


Distribution and habitat

It ranges from the Indian subcontinent through southern China and Southeast Asia to northern Australia. It grows along roadside forests and thickets.[3]



The berries are edible and the bark is used for tanning.[3]





아래는 위키의 사진






Ziziphus oenopolia - Wikipedia






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