

대효0617 2024. 1. 14. 14:57

도사물나무(1)(도사물나물, 일행물나물, 히어리, 일본 고유종C, gotoana 비교)






학명: Corylopsis pauciflora Siebold et Zucc.

분류: 조록나무과(Hamamelidaceae)

학명 풀이:

Corylopsis : From the Greek korylos, (Hazel) and -opsis (likeness); referrign to the Hazel-like leaves 

pauciflora : few flowers

일어명 : ヒュウガミズキ日向水木

국명의 유래: 일어명 ヒュウガミズキ日向水木)의 한자 표시를 오독한 것이다



사진 : 홍릉수목원








 꽃송이 1개 달리는 꽃의 갯수가  1-3개이고 수술의 꽃밥은 황색이다


아래: 2021.3.27 홍릉






아래 : 2023.12.17 홍릉수목원











도사물나무 Corylopsis spicata

히어리  Corylopsis gotoana var. coreana (Uyeki) T.Yamaz. 






FOC 설명



Corylopsis pauciflora Siebold & Zuccarini, Fl. Jap. 1: 48. 1835.

少花瑞木 shao hua la ban hua

Corylopsis matsudae Kanehira & Sasaki.

Shrubs; young branches and terminal buds glabrous. Petiole 5–10 mm, slender, pubescent; leaf blade ovate-elliptic or broadly ovate, 3–6.5 × 2–3.5 cm, abaxially villous along lateral veins, adaxially glabrous, base somewhat asymmetrical, rounded or subcordate, margin serrate above middle of leaf, teeth mucronate, apex acute; lateral veins 6–8 on each side, the 2 lowermost with obscure tertiary veins. Inflorescence 1–2 cm, 2–5-flowered; peduncle short, glabrous; general bracts ovate-rounded, 0.8–1 cm, abaxially glabrous; floral bract broadly ovate, 7–8 mm, glabrous; bracteoles somewhat shorter than bract. Floral cup glabrous. Sepals triangular, glabrous, apex obtuse. Petals broadly obovate, 6–7 mm. Stamens 5–6 mm; disk scales not lobed, apex truncate. Ovary glabrous; styles 5–6 mm. Capsule 6–8 mm, glabrous. Fl. May–Jul, fr. Jul–Sep.

Slopes and forests; 200--300 m. Taiwan [Japan].

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도사물나무(1)(도사물나물, 일행물나물, 히어리, 일본 고유종 C. gotoana 비교)  (0) 2024.01.14
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