
Peperomia tetragona

대효0617 2024. 3. 16. 06:50

수박페페로미아 Peperomia argyreia (Hook.f.) E.Morren




학명 : Peperomia tetragona Ruiz & Pav.

Synonym : Peperomia puteolata Trel

분류 : 후추과(Piperaceae)

국표식 등재 국명 : 아몬드페페로미아


학명 풀이

Peperomia :  From the Greek peperi (pepper) and homoios (resembling), referring to its resemblance to a true pepper (to which it is closely related)

tetragona : Four-angled


사진 : 2023.03.04 광릉수목원









From Wikipedia,


Peperomia tetragona is a species of plant in the genus Peperomia native to South America. Its range is known to be from Ecuador, Peru, and Paraguay to central/western Brazil.[1] Long grown as a houseplant in temperate climates, it is often known by its synonym Peperomia puteolata or as the parallel Peperomia for the parallel venation on its elliptical leaves.[2][3]




꽃 사진



퍼온 곳





학명 : Peperomia tetraphylla (G.Forst.) Hook. & Arn.



From Wikipedia,


Peperomia tetraphylla, known as the acorn peperomia or four-leaved peperomia, is a small plant in the Peperomia genus and the Piperaceae family that grows natively in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Additionally in can found on Easter Island as an introduced species.[1]


P. tetraphylla is a low-growing herb, with creeping stems, sometimes forming mats. The leaves are elliptic or round, growing in whorls of 3 to 4, typically green but might also be reddish on the underside. It grows in wet highland and evergreen forests, often as an epiphyte on top of trees or falles logs, but can also be found on rocky knolls or among grass by river banks.[1]


The specific epithet tetraphylla is from the Ancient Greek language, meaning "four leaves".[2] It was first described in 1832 by W.J. Hooker and G.A. Walker-Arnott after a coastal survey of South America under the command of Captain F.W. Beechey.[1]


Three varieties are known: P. tetraphylla, Peperomia tetraphylla var. piedadeana, and Peperomia tetraphylla var. tenera.[3]



위키페디아 사진






이상 3종의 비교


  P. argyreia
P. tetragona
P. tetraphylla
잎 나기 1장씩 붙는다
잎은 아주 둥근 모양이고
방패 모양으로 잎자루가 잎 뒤에 붙는다 

잎은 난형
여러 장이  잎자루 거의 없이 돌려 붙는다
잎은 난형
3-4장씩 줄기에 잎자루 거의 없이 돌려 붙는다
잎 표면의 수박 줄 무늬 유무 있디 있다 없다






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