
Philodendron mexicanum

대효0617 2024. 3. 16. 09:09

학명 : Philodendron mexicanum Engl.

분류 : 천남성과(Araceae)


사진 : 2023.03.04 광릉수목원









Origin/Native Region: México

Growth Habit: Philodendron Mexicanum is an epiphytic plant, which means it habitually grows on another plants. It typically climbs up trees in its natural environment using aerial roots, but it can also trail and bush outwards in domestic settings. It is also a tropical species known for its vibrant foliage. It shows a moderate rate of growth under ideal conditions, but maintenance is relatively easy, even for beginners in plant care.


The Philodendron Mexicanum is a visually striking species that stands out because of its unique characteristics compared to other Philodendrons. It possesses elements reminiscent of its tropical origins.

Starting from the leaves, the plant exhibits a dazzling display of vibrant green. The leaf structure is also quite distinct as they are considerably large and variably shaped.

The leaf surface is quite noticeable as it is often shiny, reflecting the light in a captivating manner. Moreover, its stem characteristics and mature size further contribute to its overall allure, making it a standout option for adding exuberance to any indoor or outdoor ensemble.

Leaf Size

In the case of Philodendron Mexicanum, the leaves can grow impressively large under ideal conditions, with mature leaves often reaching lengths of 2-3 feet. Younger leaves start out much smaller, gradually growing over time.

This large, vibrant leaf size is a prominent feature of the Philodendron Mexicanum, allowing it to be a remarkable visual addition to any indoor space.

The leaf size can be affected by factors like light exposure, watering schedule, and general plant health, so ensuring proper care is essential to maintain these stunning, large leaves.

Leaf Shape

The leaf shape of the Philodendron Mexicanum is quite distinctive and is one of the key features that sets it apart from other Philodendron species.

It possesses a sagittate shape, more commonly referred to as arrowhead shape. This means the leaves are long and broad, tapering at both ends to a sharp, pointed tip.

Furthermore, the leaves exhibit prominent venation with veins running parallel to the spine. These veins coupled with the unique leaf shape give the Philodendron Mexicanum an interesting, textured appearance that can be a captivating addition to any indoor garden or landscape.

Leaf Color

The Philodendron Mexicanum robustly displays a vibrant array of colors on its foliage. Notably, the juvenile leaves are often a bright emerald green in color and transition into a deeper green hue as they mature.

The lush, healthy leaves can also surprise you by offering splashes of red, purple, and even pink on their undersides. These color variations contribute to the aesthetic beauty of this plant species, making it a charming addition to any indoor green space.

The vivacious leaf colors are paramount in determining the overall health and vitality of your Philodendron Mexicanum.

Stem Characteristics

The Philodendron Mexicanum, like many philodendrons, displays a unique vining growth habit. The stems may appear as a deep brownish or maroon color, providing a nice contrast to the prominent green leaves.

Atop these stems, leaf nodes are present where the new leaves make their entry. As the plant matures, air roots can develop along these stems.

These aerial roots are essentially extensions of the plant’s fiber system that allow it to better absorb moisture and nutrients in its native rainforest environment.

They don’t necessarily need to be rooted into soil, but can adhere to support structures for stability.

Mature Size

The Philodendron Mexicanum is a climbing type of plant and its mature size depends largely on the support it has and the care it receives. It typically grows anywhere between 2 and 4 feet in terms of height.

However, it can reach a staggering height of approximately 10 feet under optimal conditions, especially when provided with appropriate support. As far as the width is concerned, it typically spans up to 2 feet.



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