

대효0617 2025. 1. 21. 11:33











안내 표찰에  겨울딸기로 되어 있지만 대만겨울딸기Rubus rolfei인듯 싶다

학명 : Rubus rolfei S.Vidal 

분류 : 장미과 (Rosaceae)

중국어명 : 高山悬钩子(고산현구자)



사진 : 2022.12.08 광릉수목원




잎 표면에 수포 모양 돌기가 있는 (bullate) 점이 특징으로 보인다







Rubus rolfei S. Vidal, Phan. Cuming. Philipp. 171. 1885.

高山悬钩子 gao shan xuan gou zi


Rubus calycinoides Hayata ex Koidzumi (1913), not Kuntze (1879); R. calycinoides Hayata var. macrophyllus H. L. Li; R. elmeri Focke; R. hayatae-koidzumii Naruhashi; R. pentalobus Hayata; R. rolfei var. lanatus Hayata.


Subshrubs low, with creeping stems and ascending leafy shoots. Stems prostrate, rooting at nodes, densely tomentose-villous, with sparse, small prickles, sometimes nearly unarmed, glabrate in age. Leaves simple; petiole nearly as long as leaf blade, tomentose-villous, with sparse, needle-like prickles; stipules free, obovate to ± oblong, 712 mm, membranous, margin pectinately or palmately laciniate ca. 1/2 to middle at apex, abaxially hairy, adaxially glabrous; blade broadly ovate to suborbicular, 26(9) × 25.5(9) cm, venation pedate, lateral veins 4 or 5 pairs, raised abaxially, impressed adaxially, leathery, abaxially brownish gray tomentose, with long hairs and sparse, needle-shaped prickles along veins, adaxially dark greenish brown, usually sparsely hairy when young, later glabrous, bullate between veins, base cordate, basal incision to 1 cm deep, margin 35-lobed; lobes obtuse, unevenly crenate. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, 1- or few flowered; rachis and pedicels densely tomentose-villous, with sparse, needle-like prickles; bracts obovate to ±oblong, 810 mm, apex palmately or pectinately laciniate, hairy. Pedicel 59 mm. Flowers to 2 cm in diam. Calyx 11.5 cm, abaxially tomentose-villous; sepals ovate or triangular-lanceolate, 810 × 47 mm, apex laciniate; lobes linear-lanceolate. Petals white, suborbicular or obovate, 710 × 68 mm, adaxially puberulous, base clawed. Stamens many; filaments to 5 mm; anthers to 1 mm, with few long hairs, rarely glabrous. Pistils fewer than stamens, glabrous. Aggregate fruit yellow to orange or reddish, globose, 11.4 × ca. 1 cm, fleshy, with reddish persistent calyx; drupelets obliquely ellipsoid; pyrenes rugose; seeds reniform. Fl. JunJul, fr. AugSep. 2n = 28*, 42*.


Open places, mixed forests; 1300--3800 m. Taiwan [Philippines].







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