흰갈퀴(1)(잎이 4-6윤생하는 Galium 종들 비교표)
학명:Galium dahuricum Turcz. var. dahuricum
분류: 꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae)
사진: 2012.05.13 천마산
잎이 도피침형에 예두라 큰잎갈퀴로 동정한다
아래: 2019.07.13 태백산
잎은 도피침형으로 4-6윤생이다
줄기. 잎 앞 뒷면에 강모가 있다
(유사종인 개선갈퀴, 검은개선갈퀴는 잎이 도피침형이 아니고
줄기와 잎이 무모이다(아래 표 참조)
갈퀴덩굴속Galium의 구별은 어렵다. 윤생엽 숫자가 4-6장으로 제한된 다음 3종을 아래 표와 같이 구별해본다. 아래표는 2012년 3월 식물분류학회지에 실린 정금선, 박재홍의 <분계분석을 이용한 한국산 갈퀴덩굴속(Galium L.) 식물의 외부형태학적 연구>에 바탕하였다.
윤생엽 숫자 4-6개 |
검은개선갈퀴 | 개선갈퀴 | 큰잎갈퀴 |
성상 | 덩굴 또는 직립 | 덩굴 또는 직립 | 직립 때로는 덩굴 |
줄기 | 털 없음glabrous | 연모 pubescense | 강모 strigilose |
윤생엽 | 6 | 6 | 4-6 |
잎 형태 | 난형 | 장타원형 | 도피침형 |
잎 표면 | 미세돌기 muricate | 미세돌기 | 강모 |
잎 뒷면 | 털 없음glabrous | 털 없음glabrous | 강모 strigilose |
화서 | 원추화서 | 원추화서 | 취산화서 |
화서 달리는 곳 | 정생/액생 | 정생 | 정생/액생 |
꽃 색깔 | 흰색 | 흰색 | 황록색 |
꽃잎 모양 | 편평함 | 편평함 | 위로 향해 90도 굽음 |
<국생정> 설명
잎은 4~6장씩 돌려나기하고 긴 타원형 또는 도란상 타원형이며 길이 1.5~3.5cm, 나비 5-8mm로서 끝은 둥글다가 아주 뾰족해지고 밑은 좁아지져서 극히 짧은 대로 되며 양면에 털이 약간 있고 가장자리는 다소 뒤로 말린다.
열매는 분과로 2개씩 붙어 있고 분과에 소돌기 또는 자모(刺毛)가 밀생한다.
꽃은 5-6월에 피며 연한 녹색이고 가지 끝이나 잎겨드랑이에 취산꽃차례로 달리며 꽃자루에 털이 다소 있고 꽃부리는 4갈래이며 수술은 4개이다.
높이 30-60cm이며 줄기는 네모지고 밑을 향한 가시와 능선이 있으며 밑에서부터 가지가 많이 갈라진다.
전국 각지에 분포한다.
덩굴성 여러해살이풀.
높이 30~60cm
생육환경 산이나 들의 풀밭에 난다.
▶큰네잎갈퀴 (var.leiocarpum Nak.): 잎이 보통 5-6개씩 돌려나기하고 갈고리 같은 털이 밀생하며 잎이 4-5개씩 달리는 수가 많다.
Galium dahuricum Turczaninow ex Ledebour, Fl. Ross. 2: 409. 1844.
大叶猪殃殃 da ye zhu yang yang
Herbs, perennial, from a slender reddish rootstock. Stems erect to ascending, weak to procumbent and often climbing, sometimes up to 2.5 m, 4-angled, sparsely to densely retrorsely aculeolate along angles and at nodes, rarely ± glabrescent. Leaves on main stems in whorls of 5 or 6, subsessile; blade drying papery, of very variable shape, from obovate and elliptic-oblong to narrowly oblanceolate, (11-)15-40(-55) × (2-)3-10(-14), sparsely to densely retrorsely aculeolate adaxially along midrib, abaxially, and along flat to thinly reflexed margins, base acute to cuneate, apex acute to obtuse and mucronate; vein 1. Inflorescences paniculate, with axillary and terminal, several- to many-flowered, usually very lax and up to 7 cm long cymes; axes filiform and often flexuous, sparsely aculeolate to glabrous; bracts few, lanceolate; pedicels slender, in flower 2-5 mm. Ovary obovoid, ca. 0.8 mm, with dense spreading or appressed undeveloped trichomes, or glabrous. Corolla white or pale green, rotate, of quite different sizes, (1-)1.5-3(-4) mm in diam., glabrous; lobes 4, triangular, obtuse to acute or minutely apiculate. Mericarps ellipsoid, ca. 2 mm, with appressed or spreading and uncinate trichomes (0.3-0.5 mm), tuberculate to completely glabrous and smooth, on pedicels elongating to 10 mm or more. Fl. Jun-Sep, fr. Jul-Nov.
Humid forests, thickets, ditch sides, grasslands, meadows; 200-3400 m. Fujian, Gansu, Guizhou, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Japan, Korea, Russia].
Within Galium sect. Trachygalium and the extremely polymorphic species group of G. asperifolium (see there) Cufodontis (Oesterr. Bot. Z. 89: 239-243. 1940), Yamazaki (Fl. Japan 3a: 206-240. 1993), and W. C. Chen (in FRPS 71(2): 255-258. 1999) differentiated the closely related taxa G. dahuricum (in FRPS as "G. davuricum," the spelling used in the protologue by Ledebour), G. tokyoense, G. pseudoasprellum, and G. manshuricum mainly according to the lack (in the two former) and the presence (in the two latter) of appressed or spreading uncinate trichomes on the mericarps. As this character apparently often varies within populations of these taxa, the present treatment relies on the much more stable feature of slender, filiform, and ± flexuose vs. more stiff and divaricate peduncles and pedicels. The former state characterizes G. dahuricum (including G. manshuricum and G. pseudoasprellum), the latter G tokyoense. This species assembly has its distribution center in E Asia but extends with G. asprellum Michaux s.s. into E North America.
Galium pseudoasprellum was accepted as a species by Cufodontis (loc. cit.: 237-238), W. C. Chen (loc. cit.: 254-255), and Yamazaki (loc. cit.: 238), and the latter two also maintained G. niewerthii. In our opinion and because of their similar inflorescences, both taxa should be regarded as synonyms of G. dahuricum, the former under var. lasiocarpum, the latter under var. dahuricum. Even if we have not seen authentic specimens of G. niewerthii, all of its characters listed fall within the limits of G. dahuricum; thus, we regard it as a glabrous-fruited form of that variable species. So far, G. comarii has been a badly understood taxon (see Cufodontis, loc. cit.: 241; Lauener, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 32: 107. 1972; Mill, Edinburgh J. Bot. 53: 193-213. 1996). Because of its slender inflorescence, extremely long pedicels, and rugose fruit mentioned in the protologue, it can now be safely assigned as another synonym of G. dahuricum var. dahuricum.
The following infraspecific taxa of Galium dahuricum (and G. pseudoasprellum), accepted by Cufodontis (loc. cit.: 237-238, 243-244) and W. C. Chen (loc. cit.), are keyed and listed here for comparison.
종하 분류
1. Ovary and mericarps glabrous or tuberculate.
...................................... var. dahuricum 큰잎갈퀴
1. Ovary and mericarps with spreading or appressed uncinate trichomes
2. Inflorescences with loosely branched cymes, with filiform and ± flexuose pedicels of up to 5 mm,
in fruit up to 10 mm.
.................................. var. lasiocarpum 큰네잎갈퀴
2. Inflorescences more congested, pedicels shorter than 5 mm.
.............................. var. densiflorum
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