지리강활(2)(구릿대/개구릿대/지리강활 비교)
강활(2)(Angelica 종 검색표와 강활 유사종 비교)
개구릿대(구릿대와 개구릿대 비교)
학명: Angelica anomala Avé-Lallemant
학명 이명 : Angelica jaluana Nakai (국생정에는 삼수구릿대로 되어 있다).
분류: 산형과
중국어명: 狭叶当归
사진: 2016.07.29 만주
개구릿대는 엽초가 좁은 장타원형으로 줄기를 감싸며 총산경, 소산경, 꽃자루와 엽초에 털이 많다.
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출처: http://www.plantphoto.cn/sp/24470
FOC 기재문
Angelica anomala Avé-Lallemant in Fischer & Avé-Lallemant, Index Sem. Hort. Petrop. 9: 57. 1843.
狭叶当归 xia ye dang gui
Perennial, 80–150 cm. Root stout, yellowish brown, conic, up to 20 × 3 cm. Stem purplish, thinly ribbed, pubescent. Basal and lower petioles 5–13 cm, sheaths narrow-oblong, amplexicaule, dense-pubescent; blade triangular-ovate, 15–30 × 8–25 cm, 2–3-ternate-pinnate, pinnae 2–4 pairs, glabrous; leaflets subsessile, elliptic to lanceolate, 2–4 × 0.3–1.5 cm, sometimes 3-lobed, base slightly decurrent, margin white-cartilaginous and mucronate-serrate. Peduncles, rays and pedicels all dense hispidulous; peduncles 5–20 cm; bracts absent or 1, deciduous; rays 20–45, subequal; bracteoles 3–7, subulate, pubescent; umbellules 20–40-flowered. Calyx teeth obsolete. Petals white, obovate. Fruit ellipsoid, 4–6 × 3–4 mm; dorsal ribs filiform, lateral ribs broad-winged; vittae 1 in each furrow, 2 on commissure. Fl. Jul–Aug, fr. Aug–Sep. n = 22.
Forests, forest margins, grasslands, streamsides; 500–1000 m. Heilongjiang, Jilin, Nei Mongol [Korea, Russia (Siberia)].
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